- MetaLandSim::cabreraModified patch occupancy data of Cabrera vole
- MetaLandSim::landscape_changeLandscape loosing 5% of patches per time step
- MetaLandSim::mc_dfModified patch occupancy data of Cabrera vole as a data frame
- MetaLandSim::occ.landscapeSample landscape with one simulated occupancy snapshot
- MetaLandSim::occ.landscape2Sample landscape with 10 simulated occupancy snapshots
- MetaLandSim::param1Sample parameter data frame number 1
- MetaLandSim::param2Sample parameter data frame number 2
- MetaLandSim::rg_expList with range.expansion output
- MetaLandSim::rlandRandom landscape
- MetaLandSim::sim.areaVector of the areas for each site; here, 100 sites
- MetaLandSim::sim.det.20Array corresponding to nsites x nyears x nvisits
- MetaLandSim::sim.distanceDistance matrix between sampling sites (nsite x nsite).
- MetaLandSim::z.simOccupancy data generated with perfect detection.
- MetaLandSim::z.sim.20Occupancy data generated with perfect detection with approximately 20% of data missing at random.
- MetaLandSim::z.sim.20.faOccupancy data containing false absences