Title: | Landscape and Range Expansion Simulation |
Description: | Tools to generate random landscape graphs, evaluate species occurrence in dynamic landscapes, simulate future landscape occupation and evaluate range expansion when new empty patches are available (e.g. as a result of climate change). References: Mestre, F., Canovas, F., Pita, R., Mira, A., Beja, P. (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.03.007>; Mestre, F., Risk, B., Mira, A., Beja, P., Pita, R. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.06.013>; Mestre, F., Pita, R., Mira, A., Beja, P. (2020) <doi:10.1186/s12898-019-0273-5>. |
Authors: | Frederico Mestre, Fernando Canovas, Benjamin Risk, Ricardo Pita, Antonio Mira, Pedro Beja. |
Maintainer: | Frederico Mestre <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 2.0.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-11 04:01:18 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/fmestre1/metalandsim |
The package MetaLandSim is a simulation environment, allowing the generation of random landscapes, represented as graphs, the simulation of landscape dynamics, metapopulation dynamics and range expansion.
The package was developed as part of the Ph.D. thesis of Frederico Mestre (SFRH/BD/73768/2010), funded by European Social Funds and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, and included in the project NETPERSIST (PTDC/AAG-MAA/3227/2012), funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through COMPETE programme and Portuguese national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
It is intended to provide a virtual environment, enabling the experimentation and simulation of processes at two scales: landscape and range. The simulation approach, taken by MetaLandSim, presents several advantages, like allowing the test of several alternatives and the knowledge of the full system (Peck, 2004; Zurell et al. 2009). The role of simulation in landscape ecology is fundamental due to the spatial and temporal scale of the studied phenomena, which frequently hinders experimentation (Ims, 2005).
Here, graph and metapopulation theories are combined, which is a broadly accepted strategy to provide a modelling framework for metapopulation dynamics (Cantwell & Forman, 1993; Bunn et al. 2000; Ricotta et al. 2000; Minor & Urban, 2008; Galpern et al. 2011). Also, several graph-based connectivity metrics can be computed from the landscape graphs. This set of metrics have been proven useful elsewhere (Urban & Keitt, 2001; Calabrese & Fagan, 2004). The graph representation of landscape has one major advantage: it effectively summarizes spatial relationships between elements and facilitates a multi-scale analysis integrating patch and landscape level analysis (Calabrese & Fagan, 2004).
MetaLandSim operates at two scales, providing researchers with the possibility of:
Landscape scale - Simulation of metapopulation occupation on a dynamic landscape, computation of connectivity metrics.
Range scale - Computes dispersal model and range expansion scenario simulation.
The landscape unit, an object of class landscape
, is the basic simulation unit at both these scales. At the landscape scale, the persistence of the metapopulation in a dynamic landscape is evaluated through the simulation of landscape dynamics using the function iterate.graph
or manage_landscape_sim
At the range scale the metapopulation is allowed to expand to other, empty, landscape units using range_expansion
, producing an object of class expansion
. The function range_raster
allows the conversion of the dispersal model obtained with the previous function into a raster. Finally, also at the range scale, the user can analyse the outcome of several alternative landscapes in range expansion speed and maximum dispersal distance, using the function manage_expansion_sim
Since version 1.0 new IFM parameter estimation capabilities are available, which based upon Bayesian statistics, using the functions first developed for the paper Risk et al.(2011).
We thank Dr. Santiago Saura (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) for the very useful inputs and for the R script which greatly improved the connectivity metrics capabilities of MetaLandSim.
After version 2.0.0 MetaLandSim had a few major changes: 1) There is no Graphic User Interface, the
user will have to resort solely to the usual R user interface; 2) It does not use GRASS, resorting uniquely to R packages to conduct the simulations (mainly terra); 3) It depends on much less packages
(after removing rgrass7, maptools, rgeos, raster, tcltk and fgui); 4) There were some major changes to
the functions range_raster
and range_expansion
. In what concerns
the output, rather than considering distinct dispersal probabilities
in all four cardinal directions (as in previous versions), considers the same probability of dispersal
from a current presence in all directions. This has implications in the range_raster
function, that converts the dispersal probability to a raster. However, this does not change the results
in any meaningfull way given that these kinds of simulations require many iterations in which
the distinctions between the dispersal to all four directions was diluted.
Package: | MetaLandSim |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.0.0 |
Date: | 2022-01-12 |
License: GPL (>=2) | |
Frederico Mestre, Fernando Canovas, Benjamin Risk, Ricardo Pita, Antonio Mira and Pedro Beja.
Maintainer: Frederico Mestre <[email protected]>
Bunn, A. G., Urban, D. L. and Keitt, T. H. (2000). Landscape connectivity: a conservation application of graph theory. Journal of Environmental Management, 59(4), 265-278.
Calabrese, J. M. and Fagan, W. F. (2004). A comparison-shopper's guide to connectivity metrics. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2(10), 529-536.
Cantwell, M. D. and Forman, R. T. (1993). Landscape graphs: ecological modelling with graph theory to detect configurations common to diverse landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 8(4), 239-255.
Galpern, P., Manseau, M. and Fall, A. (2011). Patch-based graphs of landscape connectivity: a guide to construction, analysis and application for conservation. Biological Conservation, 144(1), 44-55.
Ims, R.A. (2005). The role of experiments in landscape ecology. In: Wiens, J.A., and Moss, M.R. (eds.). Issues and Perspectives in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge University Press. pp. 70-78.
Mestre, F., Pita, R., Pauperio, J., Martins, F. M., Alves, P. C., Mira, A., & Beja, P. (2015). Combining distribution modelling and non-invasive genetics to improve range shift forecasting. Ecological Modelling, 297, 171-179.
Mestre, F., Risk, B. B., Mira, A., Beja, P., & Pita, R. (2017). A metapopulation approach to predict species range shifts under different climate change and landscape connectivity scenarios. Ecological Modelling, 359, 406-414.
Mestre, F., Pita, R., Mira, A., Beja, P. (2020). Species traits, patch turnover and successional dynamics: When does intermediate disturbance favour metapopulation occupancy?. BMC Ecology.
Minor, E. S. and Urban, D. L. (2008). A Graph Theory Framework for Evaluating Landscape Connectivity and Conservation Planning. Conservation Biology, 22(2), 297-307.
Peck, S. L. (2004). Simulation as experiment: a philosophical reassessment for biological modelling. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 19(10), 530-534.
Ricotta, C., Stanisci, A., Avena, G. C., and Blasi, C. (2000). Quantifying the network connectivity of landscape mosaics: a graph-theoretical approach. Community Ecology, 1(1), 89-94.
Risk, B. B., De Valpine, P., Beissinger, S. R. (2011). A robust design formulation of the incidence function model of metapopulation dynamics applied to two species of rails. Ecology, 92(2), 462-474.
Urban, D. and Keitt, T. (2001). Landscape connectivity: a graph-theoretic perspective. Ecology, 82(5), 1205-1218.
Zurell, D., Berger, U., Cabral, J.S., Jeltsch, F., Meynard, C.N., Munkemuller, T., Nehrbass, N., Pagel, J., Reineking, B., Schroder, B. and Grimm, V. (2009). The virtual ecologist approach: simulating data and observers. Oikos, 119(4), 622-635.
Calculate acceptance rates of parameters in the IFM.
accept.calculate(x, model = c("naive", "missing", "robust"))
accept.calculate(x, model = c("naive", "missing", "robust"))
x |
A named list with the MCMC chains estimated by ifm.naive.MCMC, ifm.missing.MCMC, or ifm.robust.MCMC. |
model |
Either "naive", "missing", or "robust" |
Named list containing MCMC chain acceptance rates. Names are built from the input list, e.g., for model=“naive":
acc.b.chain |
Acceptance rates of parameter b |
acc.e.chain |
Acceptance rates of parameter e |
acc.y.chain |
Acceptance rates of parameter y |
acc.alpha.chain |
Acceptance rates of parameter alpha |
acc.x.chain |
Acceptance rates of parameter x |
Benjamin Risk
data(simulatedifm) # Here, we run a chain with random initial values: init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm1 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=1000,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=100) accept.calculate(inm1,model='naive')
data(simulatedifm) # Here, we run a chain with random initial values: init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm1 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=1000,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=100) accept.calculate(inm1,model='naive')
Adds a given number of patches to the landscape.
addpoints(rl, nr)
addpoints(rl, nr)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
nr |
Number of patches to be added (see 'note'). |
Returns an object of class 'landscape'.
The number of patches to be added might be impaired by the minimum distance between points.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) #Checking the number of patches in the starting landscape: rland$number.patches #60 #Adding 10 patches to a landscape: rl1 <- addpoints(rl=rland, nr=10) #Checking the number of patches in the output landscape: rl1$number.patches #70
data(rland) #Checking the number of patches in the starting landscape: rland$number.patches #60 #Adding 10 patches to a landscape: rl1 <- addpoints(rl=rland, nr=10) #Checking the number of patches in the output landscape: rl1$number.patches #70
One season patch occupancy dataset for Microtus cabrerae in SW Portugal. This dataset is in the format produced by species.graph, convert.graph or import.shape (class 'metapopulation'), and it was created by converting a data frame using the function convert.graph. The data frame had the information of one snapshot of patch occupancy data of Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrera) in southwestern Portugal.
A list with the following elements:
mapsize - 8200 (landscape mosaic side length, in meters).
minimum.distance - 10.04 (minimum distance between patches centroids).
mean.area - 0.46 (mean area, in hectares).
SD.area - 1.05 (SD of the area).
number.patches - 793 (number of patches).
dispersal - 800 (mean dispersal ability of the species).
distance.to.neighbours - data frame with pairwise distance between patches.
nodes.characteristics - data frame with the characteristics of each patch.
To create this sample dataset the occupancy status of patches was scrambled, however the proportion of occupied patches was kept.
Original field data was obtained during project PERSIST (PTDC/BIA-BEC/105110/2008).
Derives the mode, estimating the value of a continuous variable.
data |
vector used to estimate the mode. |
adjust |
increase this value to make the density estimate smoother. |
Returns the numeric value of the mode.
Adapted from https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-August/172323.html.
vect1 = rchisq(1000,df=3) calcmode(vect1) vect1
vect1 = rchisq(1000,df=3) calcmode(vect1) vect1
Returns a data frame with the number of nodes (habitat patches) in each component of the landscape graph (in this case a component is a group of patches connected by the species dispersal distance).
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
The components are defined based on the species mean dispersal ability. This implies that the connectivity model between patches is binary (connected/not connected) as opposed to probabilistic.
This function returns a data frame with the number of patches of each component (group of patches). The returned data frame has two fields: cluster (Id of the component) and number of nodes (the number of nodes of the respective component).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) cluster.graph(rl=rland) #Output: # cluster number of nodes #1 1 11 #2 2 1 #3 3 13 #4 4 1 #5 5 1 #6 6 15 #7 7 2 #8 8 1 #9 9 3 #10 10 1 #11 11 1 #12 12 2 #13 13 4 #14 14 1 #15 15 1 #16 16 1 #17 17 1
data(rland) cluster.graph(rl=rland) #Output: # cluster number of nodes #1 1 11 #2 2 1 #3 3 13 #4 4 1 #5 5 1 #6 6 15 #7 7 2 #8 8 1 #9 9 3 #10 10 1 #11 11 1 #12 12 2 #13 13 4 #14 14 1 #15 15 1 #16 16 1 #17 17 1
reclassify clusters of a landscape according to a given mean dispersal distance.
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
After changing the landscape some components (groups of connected patches) might suffer changes (e.g. the removal of patches might split components). This function re-attributes a code to each patch, identifying the groups of connected patches (components), after this type of disturbance to the habitat network.Mainly to be used internally.
Returns the same landscape object, with the clusters reclassified.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) #After removing 30 (50%) of the patches of a landscape: rland2 <- removepoints(rl=rland, nr=35) #A reclassification might be needed to identify components: rland2 <- cluster.id(rl=rland2) #After removing 35 patches, there's a different number of components: components.graph(rl=rland) #21 components.graph(rl=rland2) #16
data(rland) #After removing 30 (50%) of the patches of a landscape: rland2 <- removepoints(rl=rland, nr=35) #A reclassification might be needed to identify components: rland2 <- cluster.id(rl=rland2) #After removing 35 patches, there's a different number of components: components.graph(rl=rland) #21 components.graph(rl=rland2) #16
Creates two text files, <filename.txt> and filename_Index.txt>, in the format used by OpenBUGS, which can then be read using read.coda() to create an mcmc object for subsequent use of coda diagnostic and plotting functions.
coda.create(object, file.name, write.index = TRUE, par.list = list("mupsi1.chain", "e.chain", "x.chain", "b.chain", "y.chain", "alpha.chain"), niter = 101000, nthin = 10)
coda.create(object, file.name, write.index = TRUE, par.list = list("mupsi1.chain", "e.chain", "x.chain", "b.chain", "y.chain", "alpha.chain"), niter = 101000, nthin = 10)
object |
Output from ifm.naive.MCMC, ifm.missing.MCMC, or ifm.robust.MCMC, i.e., a named list with vectors e.chain. x.chain, y.chain, b.chain, alpha.chain, and other parameters depending on the model. |
file.name |
Name of the text file that will be output in the format used by BUGS and JAGS. |
write.index |
Logical indicating whether or not to also create file.name_Index.txt. Defaults to TRUE, which allows the subsequent use of read.coda(). |
par.list |
List of parameters to include in the file. Defaults to mupsi1.chain, e.chain, x.chain, b.chain, y.chain, alpha.chain; modify to include additional parameters in ifm.missing.MCMC and ifm.robust.MCMC. |
niter |
Number of iterations in the original chain (before thinning). |
nthin |
Thinning used in the original estimation function; this is just bookkeeping, as this function does not perform the thinning. |
Writes text files to the current working directory or to the path specified with "file.name".
Benjamin Risk
## Not run: # quick run; actual estimation requires more iterations: data(simulatedifm) myniter=100 nsite=nrow(z.sim) nyear=ncol(z.sim) nthin=1 nburnin=0 init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm1 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=myniter,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=1000) # write files in OpenBUGS format to working directory: coda.create(inm1,"sim_inm1",par.list=list("e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=myniter,nthin=nthin) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # quick run; actual estimation requires more iterations: data(simulatedifm) myniter=100 nsite=nrow(z.sim) nyear=ncol(z.sim) nthin=1 nburnin=0 init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm1 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=myniter,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=1000) # write files in OpenBUGS format to working directory: coda.create(inm1,"sim_inm1",par.list=list("e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=myniter,nthin=nthin) ## End(Not run)
Combines two lists of chains from ifm.naive.MCMC, ifm.missing.MCMC, or ifm.robust.MCMC into one list where each element is the concatenated chains.
combine.chains(x1, x2, nburnin, nthin = 1, z.thin = TRUE)
combine.chains(x1, x2, nburnin, nthin = 1, z.thin = TRUE)
x1 |
First list of chains. |
x2 |
Second list of chains. |
nburnin |
Number of initial iterations to discard. |
nthin |
If nthin>1, subsets to every nthin^th sample |
z.thin |
logical; defaults to TRUE. Thinning for the posterior sample of the occupancy states. If true, uses thinning equal to 5. The posterior sample of occupancy states is a large nsite x nyear x niter array, and this option reduces memory usage. Ignored if the chain is from the ifm.naive.MCMC (where occupancy states are fixed). |
Named list with the same names as the inputs x1 and x2
Benjamin Risk
data(simulatedifm) init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm1 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=500,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=100) init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm2 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=500,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=100) sim.inm=combine.chains(inm1,inm2,nburnin=0,nthin=1)
data(simulatedifm) init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm1 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=500,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=100) init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm2 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=500,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=100) sim.inm=combine.chains(inm1,inm2,nburnin=0,nthin=1)
Returns the number of components in the landscape graph (in this case a component is a group of patches connected by the species dispersal distance).
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
Returns the number of components (groups of connected patches) of a landscape.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) components.graph(rl=rland) #21
data(rland) components.graph(rl=rland) #21
Converts a given data frame in a list which can be used in the following functions, an object of class 'metapopulation'.
convert.graph(dframe, mapsize, dispersal)
convert.graph(dframe, mapsize, dispersal)
dframe |
data frame with the original data and the following columns, in this order:
mapsize |
Landscape mosaic side length, in meters. |
dispersal |
Species mean dispersal ability, in meters. |
Delivers an object of class 'metapopulation'.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(mc_df) #Checking the columns of the data frame: head(mc_df) # ID x y area mc #1 1 1248.254 0.000 0.079 0 #2 2 1420.857 46.725 0.781 1 #3 3 1278.912 52.629 1.053 1 #4 4 6370.625 62.637 0.788 0 #5 5 1151.337 97.140 0.079 0 #6 6 1295.796 104.839 0.137 1 #In order to import the data frame mc_df: sp1 <- convert.graph(dframe=mc_df, mapsize=8300, dispersal=800) #verify class class(sp1) # [1] "metapopulation"
data(mc_df) #Checking the columns of the data frame: head(mc_df) # ID x y area mc #1 1 1248.254 0.000 0.079 0 #2 2 1420.857 46.725 0.781 1 #3 3 1278.912 52.629 1.053 1 #4 4 6370.625 62.637 0.788 0 #5 5 1151.337 97.140 0.079 0 #6 6 1295.796 104.839 0.137 1 #In order to import the data frame mc_df: sp1 <- convert.graph(dframe=mc_df, mapsize=8300, dispersal=800) #verify class class(sp1) # [1] "metapopulation"
This function creates a parameter data frame, using parameter values computed with the application available in the papers of Moilanen (1999) and ter Braak and Etienne (2003).
create.parameter.df(alpha, x, y, e)
create.parameter.df(alpha, x, y, e)
alpha |
Alpha parameter |
x |
x parameter |
y |
y parameter |
e |
e parameter |
It is highly recommended that the user reads both papers, as well as the help files.
Returns a data frame, with the same format as the one returned by parameter.estimate
for the methods 'Rsnap_1' and 'Rsnap_x'.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Moilanen, A. (1999). Patch occupancy models of metapopulation dynamics: efficient parameter estimation using implicit statistical inference. Ecology, 80(3): 1031-1043.
ter Braak, C. J., & Etienne, R. S. (2003). Improved Bayesian analysis of metapopulation data with an application to a tree frog metapopulation. Ecology, 84(1): 231-241.
param2 <- create.parameter.df(alpha=0.5, x=0.1, y=5, e=0.1) param2 # par_output #alpha 0.5 #x 0.1 #y 5.0 #e 0.1
param2 <- create.parameter.df(alpha=0.5, x=0.1, y=5, e=0.1) param2 # par_output #alpha 0.5 #x 0.1 #y 5.0 #e 0.1
Returns a data frame with the information on the connections between patches (assuming binary connections).
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
Produces a data frame with the information on the edges (links): the IDs of both patches, the area, the coordinates and the Euclidean distance.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) edge_df <- edge.graph(rl=rland)
data(rland) edge_df <- edge.graph(rl=rland)
Class representing an expansion object, as produced by range_expansion
A list of four data frames with the proportion of occupation at several distances from the closest occupied landscape mosaic. These four data frames correspond to the proportion of occupation to the north, south, east and west. Each data frame has the following columns:
DISTANCE - Distance (mapsize x number of landscapes).
OCCUPATION - How many times did the landscape at this distance got occupied by the species (from a total of 'iter' repetitions).
PROPORTION - Proportion of occupation for the landscape at this distance (OCCUPATION/iter).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Extracts a landscape from an object delivered by span.graph
. The output is an object of class 'landscape'.
extract.graph(rl, rlist, nr)
extract.graph(rl, rlist, nr)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape' used to generate the list, with |
rlist |
Object delivered by |
nr |
Position of the landscape in the list (rlist). |
Delivers an object of class 'landscape'.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) data(landscape_change) #Extracting the landscape of the 50th time step: rl1 <- extract.graph(rl=rland, rlist=landscape_change, nr=50)
data(rland) data(landscape_change) #Extracting the landscape of the 50th time step: rl1 <- extract.graph(rl=rland, rlist=landscape_change, nr=50)
Estimates the IFM with no false absences but incorporating missing data.
ifm.missing.MCMC(niter=1000,init,z.data, site.distance, site.area, sd.prop.mupsi1=0.1, sd.prop.e=0.1, sd.prop.x=0.5,sd.prop.y=10, sd.prop.b=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=5, nthin=1,nsite.subset=10,print.by=100)
ifm.missing.MCMC(niter=1000,init,z.data, site.distance, site.area, sd.prop.mupsi1=0.1, sd.prop.e=0.1, sd.prop.x=0.5,sd.prop.y=10, sd.prop.b=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=5, nthin=1,nsite.subset=10,print.by=100)
niter |
Number of iterations in the MCMC chain. |
init |
Named list with values to initialize the chain. E.g.: |
z.data |
nsite x nyears matrix containing NA for missing data. Occupancy at sites with missing data will be estimated. |
site.distance |
nsite x nsite matrix of distances between sites. The tuning parameters in the example are set for distances less than one, with max distance approximately 0.5. Input data should have a similar scaling. |
site.area |
Vector of length nsite with areas. The tuning parameters in the example are set for average area approximately equal to 1. Input data should have a similar scaling. |
sd.prop.mupsi1 |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for occupancy in year 1. |
sd.prop.e |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter e. |
sd.prop.x |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter x. |
sd.prop.y |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter y. |
sd.prop.b |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter b. |
sd.prop.alpha |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter alpha. |
nthin |
If specified, keeps only every nthin^th sample from the MCMC chain. Use to save memory or when the chain is moving slowly. |
nsite.subset |
The number of sites to include in the block sampling, where nsite.subset is equal to the number of sites updated in the same step. Larger values decrease the probability of acceptance. |
print.by |
Specifies how often to print the number of the current iteration. |
z.chain |
nsite x nyear x niter array sampled from the posterior distribution of occupancy in each year (if detection occurred at a given year and site, then the value is identically equal to one for all iterations). |
muz.chain |
nyear x niter matrix posterior sample of the proportion of sites occupied in each year. |
muz.missing.chain |
nyear x niter matrix posterior sample of the proportion of sites occupied for sites with missing data. |
prop.extinct.chain |
Extinction rate for all sites. |
prop.colon.chain |
Colonization rate. |
mupsi1.chain |
posterior sample of parameter for occupancy in year 1. |
e.chain |
posterior sample of e |
x.chain |
posterior sampmle of x |
y.chain |
posterior sample of y |
b.chain |
posterior sample of b |
alpha.chain |
posterior sample of alpha |
Benjamin Risk
Risk, B. B., De Valpine, P., Beissinger, S. R. (2011). A robust design formulation of the incidence function model of metapopulation dynamics applied to two species of rails. Ecology, 92(2), 462-474.
## Not run: data(simulatedifm) library("coda") niter=2000 nsite=100 nyear=10 nthin=1 nburnin=1000 ## NOTE! The notation used here corresponds to MetaLandSim and differs from Risk et al 2011 ## Here ## e (in MetaLandSim) = mu (in Risk et al 2011) ## x = chi ## y = gamma ## b = beta ## alpha = alpha ## # Priors: # e: [0,1] # x: [0,5] # y^2: [0,400] # b: [0,5] # alpha: [1,30] # NOTE: If posteriors are truncated at zero, then estimates may be biased. Rescale # distances (e.g., divide by 10,000) and/or areas so that parameters are larger. nmissing = sum(is.na(z.sim.20)) init1=list(z.missing=runif(nmissing),mupsi1=runif(1),alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) a = Sys.time() im1 <- ifm.missing.MCMC(niter=niter,init=init1,z.data = z.sim.20, site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.mupsi1=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=4, sd.prop.b=0.6, sd.prop.y=40, sd.prop.e=0.05, sd.prop.x=0.4, nthin=1, print.by=500) accept.calculate(im1,model='missing') Sys.time() - a init2=list(z.missing = runif(nmissing), mupsi1 = runif(1), alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) im2 <- ifm.missing.MCMC(niter=niter,init=init2, z.data = z.sim.20, site.distance=sim.distance, site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.mupsi1=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=4, sd.prop.b=0.6, sd.prop.y=40, sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4, nthin=1, print.by=1000) accept.calculate(im2,model='missing') Sys.time() - a coda.create(im1,"sim_im1",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=niter,nthin=nthin) coda.create(im2,"sim_im2",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=niter,nthin=nthin) coda.sim.im1=read.coda("sim_im1.txt","sim_im1_Index.txt") coda.sim.im2=read.coda("sim_im2.txt","sim_im2_Index.txt") coda.sim.im.list=mcmc.list(coda.sim.im1,coda.sim.im2) sim.im=combine.chains(im1,im2,nburnin=nburnin,nthin=1) coda.create(sim.im,"sim_im",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=(2*niter-2*nburnin),nthin=nthin) coda.sim.im.long=read.coda("sim_im.txt","sim_im_Index.txt") summary(coda.sim.im.list) summary(coda.sim.im.long) gelman.diag(coda.sim.im.list) plot(coda.sim.im.list) plot(coda.sim.im.long) cumuplot(coda.sim.im.long) # calculate maximum a posteriori estimates: m1 <- as.matrix(sim.im) e <- calcmode(m1[,1][[1]]) x <- calcmode(m1[,1][[2]]) y <- calcmode(m1[,1][[3]]) b <- calcmode(m1[,1][[4]]) alpha <- calcmode(m1[,1][[5]]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(simulatedifm) library("coda") niter=2000 nsite=100 nyear=10 nthin=1 nburnin=1000 ## NOTE! The notation used here corresponds to MetaLandSim and differs from Risk et al 2011 ## Here ## e (in MetaLandSim) = mu (in Risk et al 2011) ## x = chi ## y = gamma ## b = beta ## alpha = alpha ## # Priors: # e: [0,1] # x: [0,5] # y^2: [0,400] # b: [0,5] # alpha: [1,30] # NOTE: If posteriors are truncated at zero, then estimates may be biased. Rescale # distances (e.g., divide by 10,000) and/or areas so that parameters are larger. nmissing = sum(is.na(z.sim.20)) init1=list(z.missing=runif(nmissing),mupsi1=runif(1),alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) a = Sys.time() im1 <- ifm.missing.MCMC(niter=niter,init=init1,z.data = z.sim.20, site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.mupsi1=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=4, sd.prop.b=0.6, sd.prop.y=40, sd.prop.e=0.05, sd.prop.x=0.4, nthin=1, print.by=500) accept.calculate(im1,model='missing') Sys.time() - a init2=list(z.missing = runif(nmissing), mupsi1 = runif(1), alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) im2 <- ifm.missing.MCMC(niter=niter,init=init2, z.data = z.sim.20, site.distance=sim.distance, site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.mupsi1=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=4, sd.prop.b=0.6, sd.prop.y=40, sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4, nthin=1, print.by=1000) accept.calculate(im2,model='missing') Sys.time() - a coda.create(im1,"sim_im1",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=niter,nthin=nthin) coda.create(im2,"sim_im2",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=niter,nthin=nthin) coda.sim.im1=read.coda("sim_im1.txt","sim_im1_Index.txt") coda.sim.im2=read.coda("sim_im2.txt","sim_im2_Index.txt") coda.sim.im.list=mcmc.list(coda.sim.im1,coda.sim.im2) sim.im=combine.chains(im1,im2,nburnin=nburnin,nthin=1) coda.create(sim.im,"sim_im",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=(2*niter-2*nburnin),nthin=nthin) coda.sim.im.long=read.coda("sim_im.txt","sim_im_Index.txt") summary(coda.sim.im.list) summary(coda.sim.im.long) gelman.diag(coda.sim.im.list) plot(coda.sim.im.list) plot(coda.sim.im.long) cumuplot(coda.sim.im.long) # calculate maximum a posteriori estimates: m1 <- as.matrix(sim.im) e <- calcmode(m1[,1][[1]]) x <- calcmode(m1[,1][[2]]) y <- calcmode(m1[,1][[3]]) b <- calcmode(m1[,1][[4]]) alpha <- calcmode(m1[,1][[5]]) ## End(Not run)
Estimates the IFM assuming no false absences and omitting sites for particular years in which data were missing.
ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=1000,init,z.data, site.distance, site.area, sd.prop.e=0.2, sd.prop.x=0.5,sd.prop.y=10, sd.prop.b=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=5,nthin=1,print.by=100)
ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=1000,init,z.data, site.distance, site.area, sd.prop.e=0.2, sd.prop.x=0.5,sd.prop.y=10, sd.prop.b=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=5,nthin=1,print.by=100)
niter |
Number of iterations in the MCMC chain. |
init |
Named list with values to initialize the chain. E.g.: |
z.data |
nsite x nyears matrix. If contains NAs, the corresponding parts are omitted from the likelihood (the missing data are not estimated). |
site.distance |
nsite x nsite matrix of distances between sites. The tuning parameters in the example are set for distances less than one, with max distance approximately 0.5. |
site.area |
Vector of length nsite with areas. The tuning parameters in the example are set for average area approximately equal to 1. |
sd.prop.e |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter e. |
sd.prop.x |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter x. |
sd.prop.y |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter y. |
sd.prop.b |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter b. |
sd.prop.alpha |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter alpha. |
nthin |
If specified, keeps only every nthin^th sample from the MCMC chain. Use to save memory or when the chain is moving slowly. |
print.by |
Specifies how often to print the number of the current iteration. |
e.chain |
posterior sample of e |
x.chain |
posterior sampmle of x |
y.chain |
posterior sample of y |
b.chain |
posterior sample of b |
alpha.chain |
posterior sample of alpha |
deviance.chain |
posterior sample of -2*loglik |
Benjamin Risk
Risk, B. B., De Valpine, P., Beissinger, S. R. (2011). A robust design formulation of the incidence function model of metapopulation dynamics applied to two species of rails. Ecology, 92(2), 462-474.
## Not run: data(simulatedifm) library("coda") myniter=5000 nsite=nrow(z.sim) nyear=ncol(z.sim) nthin=1 nburnin=1000 ## NOTE! The notation used here corresponds to MetaLandSim and differs from Risk et al 2011 ## Here ## e (in MetaLandSim) = mu ## x = chi ## y = gamma ## b = beta ## alpha = alpha ## # Priors: # e: [0,1] # x: [0,5] # y^2: [0,400] # b: [0,5] # alpha: [1,30] # NOTE: If posteriors are truncated at zero, then estimates are biased. Rescale # distances (e.g., divide by 10,000) and/or areas so that parameters are larger. # Here, we run two chains with random initial values: init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) a = Sys.time() inm1 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=myniter,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=1000) accept.calculate(inm1,model='naive') Sys.time() - a init2=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm2 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=myniter,init=init2,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=1000) accept.calculate(inm2,model='naive') Sys.time() - a coda.create(inm1,"sim_inm1",par.list=list("e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=myniter,nthin=nthin) coda.create(inm2,"sim_inm2",par.list=list("e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=myniter,nthin=nthin) coda.sim.inm1=read.coda("sim_inm1.txt","sim_inm1_Index.txt") coda.sim.inm2=read.coda("sim_inm2.txt","sim_inm2_Index.txt") coda.sim.inm.list=mcmc.list(coda.sim.inm1,coda.sim.inm2) sim.inm=combine.chains(inm1,inm2,nburnin=nburnin,nthin=1) coda.create(sim.inm,"sim_inm",par.list=list("e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=(2*myniter-2*nburnin),nthin=nthin) coda.sim.inm.long=read.coda("sim_inm.txt","sim_inm_Index.txt") summary(coda.sim.inm.list) summary(coda.sim.inm.long) gelman.diag(coda.sim.inm.list) plot(coda.sim.inm.list) plot(coda.sim.inm.long) cumuplot(coda.sim.inm.long) # calculate maximum a posteriori estimates: m1 <- as.matrix(sim.inm) e <- calcmode(m1[,1][[1]]) x <- calcmode(m1[,1][[2]]) y <- calcmode(m1[,1][[3]]) b <- calcmode(m1[,1][[4]]) alpha <- calcmode(m1[,1][[5]]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(simulatedifm) library("coda") myniter=5000 nsite=nrow(z.sim) nyear=ncol(z.sim) nthin=1 nburnin=1000 ## NOTE! The notation used here corresponds to MetaLandSim and differs from Risk et al 2011 ## Here ## e (in MetaLandSim) = mu ## x = chi ## y = gamma ## b = beta ## alpha = alpha ## # Priors: # e: [0,1] # x: [0,5] # y^2: [0,400] # b: [0,5] # alpha: [1,30] # NOTE: If posteriors are truncated at zero, then estimates are biased. Rescale # distances (e.g., divide by 10,000) and/or areas so that parameters are larger. # Here, we run two chains with random initial values: init1=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) a = Sys.time() inm1 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=myniter,init=init1,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=1000) accept.calculate(inm1,model='naive') Sys.time() - a init2=list(alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) inm2 <- ifm.naive.MCMC(niter=myniter,init=init2,z.data = z.sim,site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.alpha=4,sd.prop.b=0.6,sd.prop.y=40,sd.prop.e=0.05,sd.prop.x=0.4,nthin=1,print.by=1000) accept.calculate(inm2,model='naive') Sys.time() - a coda.create(inm1,"sim_inm1",par.list=list("e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=myniter,nthin=nthin) coda.create(inm2,"sim_inm2",par.list=list("e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=myniter,nthin=nthin) coda.sim.inm1=read.coda("sim_inm1.txt","sim_inm1_Index.txt") coda.sim.inm2=read.coda("sim_inm2.txt","sim_inm2_Index.txt") coda.sim.inm.list=mcmc.list(coda.sim.inm1,coda.sim.inm2) sim.inm=combine.chains(inm1,inm2,nburnin=nburnin,nthin=1) coda.create(sim.inm,"sim_inm",par.list=list("e.chain","x.chain","alpha.chain", "b.chain","y.chain"),niter=(2*myniter-2*nburnin),nthin=nthin) coda.sim.inm.long=read.coda("sim_inm.txt","sim_inm_Index.txt") summary(coda.sim.inm.list) summary(coda.sim.inm.long) gelman.diag(coda.sim.inm.list) plot(coda.sim.inm.list) plot(coda.sim.inm.long) cumuplot(coda.sim.inm.long) # calculate maximum a posteriori estimates: m1 <- as.matrix(sim.inm) e <- calcmode(m1[,1][[1]]) x <- calcmode(m1[,1][[2]]) y <- calcmode(m1[,1][[3]]) b <- calcmode(m1[,1][[4]]) alpha <- calcmode(m1[,1][[5]]) ## End(Not run)
Estimates the IFM with imperfect detection and missing data.
ifm.robust.MCMC(niter = 1000, init, det.data, site.distance, site.area, sd.prop.p = 0.1, sd.prop.mupsi1 = 0.1, sd.prop.e = 0.2, sd.prop.x = 0.2, sd.prop.y = 0.2, sd.prop.b = 0.2, sd.prop.alpha = 0.2, nthin = 1, nsite.subset = 5, print.by = 100)
ifm.robust.MCMC(niter = 1000, init, det.data, site.distance, site.area, sd.prop.p = 0.1, sd.prop.mupsi1 = 0.1, sd.prop.e = 0.2, sd.prop.x = 0.2, sd.prop.y = 0.2, sd.prop.b = 0.2, sd.prop.alpha = 0.2, nthin = 1, nsite.subset = 5, print.by = 100)
niter |
Number of iterations in the MCMC chain. |
init |
Named list with values to initialize the chain. E.g.: |
det.data |
Detection data in an array with dimensions nsites x nyears x nvisits. For removal design, set all values after a detection equal to NA. For missing data in a given year, set all visits to NA. |
site.distance |
nsite x nsite matrix of distances between sites. The tuning parameters in the example are set for distances less than one, with max distance approximately 0.5. Input data should have a similar scaling. |
site.area |
Vector of length nsite with areas. The tuning parameters in the example are set for average area approximately equal to 1. Input data should have a similar scaling. |
sd.prop.p |
Scalar equal to the standard deviation of the proposal distribution for probability of detection, which is a normal distribution centered at current value in the mcmc chain. The same standard deviation is used for all years. |
sd.prop.mupsi1 |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for occupancy in year 1. |
sd.prop.e |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter e. |
sd.prop.x |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter x. |
sd.prop.y |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter y. |
sd.prop.b |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter b. |
sd.prop.alpha |
Standard deviation of the proposal distribution for parameter alpha. |
nthin |
If specified, keeps only every nthin^th sample from the MCMC chain. Use to save memory or when the chain is moving slowly. |
nsite.subset |
The number of sites to include in the block sampling, where nsite.subset is equal to the number of sites updated in the same step. Larger values decrease the probability of acceptance. |
print.by |
Specifies how often to print the number of the current iteration. |
z.chain |
nsite x nyear x niter array sampled from the posterior distribution of occupancy in each year (if detection occurred at a given year and site, then the value is identically equal to one for all iterations). |
muz.chain |
nyear x niter matrix posterior sample of the proportion of sites occupied in each year. |
muz.missing.chain |
nyear x niter matrix posterior sample of the proportion of sites occupied for sites with missing data. |
prop.extinct.chain |
Extinction rate for all sites. |
prop.colon.chain |
Colonization rate. |
p.chain |
nyear x niter sample of detection probabilities. |
mupsi1.chain |
posterior sample of parameter for occupancy in year 1. |
e.chain |
posterior sample of e |
x.chain |
posterior sampmle of x |
y.chain |
posterior sample of y |
b.chain |
posterior sample of b |
alpha.chain |
posterior sample of alpha |
latent.deviance.chain |
posterior sample of -2*loglik |
Benjamin Risk
Risk, B. B., De Valpine, P., Beissinger, S. R. (2011). A robust design formulation of the incidence function model of metapopulation dynamics applied to two species of rails. Ecology, 92(2), 462-474.
## Not run: data(simulatedifm) library("coda") # There are more parameters in this model # and estimating the posterior requires more iterations: niter=2000 nsite=nrow(z.sim) nyear=ncol(z.sim) nthin=1 nburnin=1000 ## NOTE! The notation used here corresponds to MetaLandSim and differs from Risk et al 2011 ## Here ## e (in MetaLandSim) = mu (in Risk et al 2011) ## x = chi ## y = gamma ## b = beta ## alpha = alpha ## # Priors: # e: [0,1] # x: [0,5] # y^2: [0,400] # b: [0,5] # alpha: [1,30] # NOTE: If posteriors are truncated at zero, then estimates are biased. Rescale # distances (e.g., divide by 10,000) and/or areas so that parameters are larger. # Count number of times a site was never visited in a given year: nmissing = sum(is.na(z.sim.20)) # Create a dataset with initial guess of true occupancy for sites with visits. # This dataset should be number of sites by years # one way of generating these initial values: initocc <- suppressWarnings(apply(sim.det.20,c(1,2),max,na.rm=TRUE)) # produces warnings but that's okay initocc[initocc==-Inf]=NA init1=list(z.data=initocc,z.missing=runif(nmissing),p=runif(nyear, 0.1,1),mupsi1=runif(1),alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1) ,x=runif(1,0,5)) # for diagnosing acceptance rates: # init1=list(z.data=initocc,z.missing=runif(nmissing),p=runif(nyear,0.1,1), mupsi1=runif(1),alpha=20, b=0.5,y=7.5,e=0.25,x=0.25) a = Sys.time() ir1 <- ifm.robust.MCMC(niter=niter,init=init1, det.data = sim.det.20, site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.p=0.25,sd.prop.mupsi1=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=2, sd.prop.b=0.6, sd.prop.y=20, sd.prop.e=0.1, sd.prop.x=0.4, nthin=1) accept.calculate(ir1,model='robust') Sys.time() - a init2=list(z.data=initocc,z.missing=runif(nmissing),p=runif(nyear, 0.1,1),mupsi1=runif(1),alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20), e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) ir2 <- ifm.robust.MCMC(niter=niter,init=init2, det.data = sim.det.20, site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.mupsi1=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=2, sd.prop.b=0.6, sd.prop.y=20, sd.prop.e=0.1, sd.prop.x=0.4, sd.prop.p = 0.25, nthin=1) accept.calculate(ir2,model='robust') coda.create(ir1,"sim_ir1",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain", "alpha.chain","b.chain","y.chain","p.chain"),niter=niter,nthin=nthin) coda.create(ir2,"sim_ir2",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain", "alpha.chain","b.chain","y.chain","p.chain"),niter=niter,nthin=nthin) coda.sim.ir1=read.coda("sim_ir1.txt","sim_ir1_Index.txt") coda.sim.ir2=read.coda("sim_ir2.txt","sim_ir2_Index.txt") coda.sim.ir.list=mcmc.list(coda.sim.ir1,coda.sim.ir2) sim.ir=combine.chains(ir1,ir2,nburnin=nburnin,nthin=1) coda.create(sim.ir,"sim_ir",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain", "x.chain","alpha.chain","b.chain","y.chain","p.chain"),niter=(2*niter-2*nburnin),nthin=nthin) coda.sim.ir.long=read.coda("sim_ir.txt","sim_ir_Index.txt") summary(coda.sim.ir.list) summary(coda.sim.ir.long) gelman.diag(coda.sim.ir.list) plot(coda.sim.ir.list) plot(coda.sim.ir.long) cumuplot(coda.sim.ir.long) # calculate maximum a posteriori estimates: m1 <- as.matrix(sim.ir) e <- calcmode(m1[,1][[1]]) x <- calcmode(m1[,1][[2]]) y <- calcmode(m1[,1][[3]]) b <- calcmode(m1[,1][[4]]) alpha <- calcmode(m1[,1][[5]]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(simulatedifm) library("coda") # There are more parameters in this model # and estimating the posterior requires more iterations: niter=2000 nsite=nrow(z.sim) nyear=ncol(z.sim) nthin=1 nburnin=1000 ## NOTE! The notation used here corresponds to MetaLandSim and differs from Risk et al 2011 ## Here ## e (in MetaLandSim) = mu (in Risk et al 2011) ## x = chi ## y = gamma ## b = beta ## alpha = alpha ## # Priors: # e: [0,1] # x: [0,5] # y^2: [0,400] # b: [0,5] # alpha: [1,30] # NOTE: If posteriors are truncated at zero, then estimates are biased. Rescale # distances (e.g., divide by 10,000) and/or areas so that parameters are larger. # Count number of times a site was never visited in a given year: nmissing = sum(is.na(z.sim.20)) # Create a dataset with initial guess of true occupancy for sites with visits. # This dataset should be number of sites by years # one way of generating these initial values: initocc <- suppressWarnings(apply(sim.det.20,c(1,2),max,na.rm=TRUE)) # produces warnings but that's okay initocc[initocc==-Inf]=NA init1=list(z.data=initocc,z.missing=runif(nmissing),p=runif(nyear, 0.1,1),mupsi1=runif(1),alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20),e=runif(1,0,1) ,x=runif(1,0,5)) # for diagnosing acceptance rates: # init1=list(z.data=initocc,z.missing=runif(nmissing),p=runif(nyear,0.1,1), mupsi1=runif(1),alpha=20, b=0.5,y=7.5,e=0.25,x=0.25) a = Sys.time() ir1 <- ifm.robust.MCMC(niter=niter,init=init1, det.data = sim.det.20, site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.p=0.25,sd.prop.mupsi1=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=2, sd.prop.b=0.6, sd.prop.y=20, sd.prop.e=0.1, sd.prop.x=0.4, nthin=1) accept.calculate(ir1,model='robust') Sys.time() - a init2=list(z.data=initocc,z.missing=runif(nmissing),p=runif(nyear, 0.1,1),mupsi1=runif(1),alpha=runif(1,1,30), b=runif(1,0,5),y=runif(1,0,20), e=runif(1,0,1),x=runif(1,0,5)) ir2 <- ifm.robust.MCMC(niter=niter,init=init2, det.data = sim.det.20, site.distance=sim.distance,site.area=sim.area, sd.prop.mupsi1=0.2, sd.prop.alpha=2, sd.prop.b=0.6, sd.prop.y=20, sd.prop.e=0.1, sd.prop.x=0.4, sd.prop.p = 0.25, nthin=1) accept.calculate(ir2,model='robust') coda.create(ir1,"sim_ir1",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain", "alpha.chain","b.chain","y.chain","p.chain"),niter=niter,nthin=nthin) coda.create(ir2,"sim_ir2",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain","x.chain", "alpha.chain","b.chain","y.chain","p.chain"),niter=niter,nthin=nthin) coda.sim.ir1=read.coda("sim_ir1.txt","sim_ir1_Index.txt") coda.sim.ir2=read.coda("sim_ir2.txt","sim_ir2_Index.txt") coda.sim.ir.list=mcmc.list(coda.sim.ir1,coda.sim.ir2) sim.ir=combine.chains(ir1,ir2,nburnin=nburnin,nthin=1) coda.create(sim.ir,"sim_ir",par.list=list("mupsi1.chain","e.chain", "x.chain","alpha.chain","b.chain","y.chain","p.chain"),niter=(2*niter-2*nburnin),nthin=nthin) coda.sim.ir.long=read.coda("sim_ir.txt","sim_ir_Index.txt") summary(coda.sim.ir.list) summary(coda.sim.ir.long) gelman.diag(coda.sim.ir.list) plot(coda.sim.ir.list) plot(coda.sim.ir.long) cumuplot(coda.sim.ir.long) # calculate maximum a posteriori estimates: m1 <- as.matrix(sim.ir) e <- calcmode(m1[,1][[1]]) x <- calcmode(m1[,1][[2]]) y <- calcmode(m1[,1][[3]]) b <- calcmode(m1[,1][[4]]) alpha <- calcmode(m1[,1][[5]]) ## End(Not run)
Imports a shapefile, converting it to an object of class 'metapopulation' or 'landscape'.
import.shape(filename, path, species.col, ID.col, area.col, dispersal, class.landscape=FALSE)
import.shape(filename, path, species.col, ID.col, area.col, dispersal, class.landscape=FALSE)
filename |
Character vector with the shapefile name. |
path |
Character vector with the path to the file. |
species.col |
Character vector with the name of the column (in the shapefile) with the species occupancy data. |
ID.col |
Character vector with the name of the column (in the shapefile) with the patch Id. |
area.col |
Character vector with the name of the column (in the shapefile) with the patch area, in hectares. |
dispersal |
Species mean dispersal ability, in meters. |
class.landscape |
Should the output belong to the class 'metapopulation' or 'landscape'. |
Delivers an object of class 'metapopulation' or 'landscape'.
The shapefile must be in project coordinates (units=meters and hectares).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
## Not run: rl1 <- import.shape(filename = "yourshapefile.shp" ,path = "C:/yourpath..." ,species.col= "column with species" ,ID.col="column with patch Id" ,area.col="Column with area" ,dispersal=800#Mean dispersal ability of the species #(used to generate patch clusters, or components) ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rl1 <- import.shape(filename = "yourshapefile.shp" ,path = "C:/yourpath..." ,species.col= "column with species" ,ID.col="column with patch Id" ,area.col="Column with area" ,dispersal=800#Mean dispersal ability of the species #(used to generate patch clusters, or components) ) ## End(Not run)
Repeats the process of simulation by simulate_graph
as many times as required (argument 'iter').
iterate.graph(iter, mapsize, dist_m, areaM, areaSD, Npatch, disp, span, par1 = "none", par2 = NULL, par3 = NULL, par4 = NULL, par5 = NULL, method = "percentage", parm, nsew = "none", succ="none", param_df, kern, conn, colnz, ext, beta1, b = 1, c1 = NULL, c2 = NULL, z = NULL, R = NULL, graph)
iterate.graph(iter, mapsize, dist_m, areaM, areaSD, Npatch, disp, span, par1 = "none", par2 = NULL, par3 = NULL, par4 = NULL, par5 = NULL, method = "percentage", parm, nsew = "none", succ="none", param_df, kern, conn, colnz, ext, beta1, b = 1, c1 = NULL, c2 = NULL, z = NULL, R = NULL, graph)
iter |
Number of repetitions of the simulation. |
mapsize |
Landscape mosaic side length, in meters. To be internally passed to |
dist_m |
Minimum distance between patches (centroid). To be internally passed to |
areaM |
Mean area (in hectares). To be internally passed to |
areaSD |
SD of the area of patches, in order to give variability to the patches area. To be internally passed to |
Npatch |
Number of patches (might be impaired by the dist_m, see the "Note" section). To be internally passed to |
disp |
Species mean dispersal ability, in meters. To be internally passed to |
span |
Number of time steps (e.g. years) to simulate. To be internally passed to |
par1 |
One of the following (default 'none'):
To be internally passed to |
par2 |
Parameter specifying details for the options in par1: percentage of patches do delete (if par1 = 'hab'); distance, in meters (if par1 = 'dincr'); percentage of increase/decrease of the mean area of patches (if par1 = 'area'); percentage of new patches (if par1 = 'stoc'); 'northerndness' of created patches (if par1 = 'ncsd'); percentage of destroyed patches (if par1 = 'aggr').
To be internally passed to |
par3 |
Additional parameter specifying details for the options in par1: percentage of destroyed patches (if par1 = 'stoc'); 'southerndness' of destroyed patches (if par1 = 'ncsd'); aggregation of destruction (if par1 = 'aggr'). Minimum area for patch deletion, in hectares (if par1='darea').
To be internally passed to |
par4 |
Percentage of created patches (if par1 = 'ncsd'). To be internally passed to |
par5 |
Percentage of destroyed patches (if par1 = 'ncsd'). To be internally passed to |
method |
One of the following (default 'percentage'):
click - individually select the patches with occurrence of the species by clicking on the map. Use only for individual landscape simulations. However, this option should not be used with iterate.graph.
percentage - percentage of the patches to by occupied by the species.
number - number of patches to be occupied by the species.
To be internally passed to |
parm |
parameter to specify the species occurrence - either percentage of occupied patches or number of occupied patches, depending on the method chosen. To be internally passed to |
nsew |
'N', 'S', 'E', 'W' or none - point of entry of the species in the landscape. By default set to "none". To be internally passed to |
succ |
Set the preference of the species for patch successional stage: 'none', 'early', 'mid' and 'late'. |
param_df |
Parameter data frame delivered by
To be internally passed to |
kern |
'op1' or 'op2'. Dispersal kernel. See details in the |
conn |
'op1' or 'op2'. Connectivity function. See details in the |
colnz |
'op1', 'op2' or 'op3'. Colonization function. See details in the |
ext |
'op1', 'op2' or 'op3'. Extinction function. See details in the |
beta1 |
Parameter affecting long distance dispersal probability (if the Kern='op2'). To be internally passed to |
b |
Parameter scaling emigration with patch area (if conn='op1' or 'op2'). To be internally passed to |
c1 |
Parameter scaling immigration with the focal patch area (if conn='op2'). To be internally passed to |
c2 |
Parameter c in the option 3 of the colonization probability (if colnz='op3'). To be internally passed to |
z |
Parameter giving the strength of the Allee effect (if colnz='op3'). To be internally passed to |
R |
Parameter giving the strength of the Rescue effect (if ext='op3'). To be internally passed to |
graph |
TRUE/FALSE, to show graphic output. |
Returns a list of five data frames with information regarding the values of mean area, mean inter-patch distance, number of patches occupancy and patch occupancy turnover in each of the iterations, as well as the mean values and SD.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
References in the spom
, span.graph
, species.graph
, simulate_graph
, spom
## Not run: data(param1) #Example with 2 iterations (ideally >100): it1 <- iterate.graph(iter = 2, mapsize =10000, dist_m = 10, areaM = 0.05, areaSD = 0.02, Npatch = 250, disp = 800, span = 100, par1 = "hab", par2 = 2, par3 = NULL, par4 = NULL, par5 = NULL, method = "percentage", parm = 50, nsew = "none", succ="none", param_df = param1,kern = "op1", conn = "op1", colnz = "op1", ext = "op1", beta1 = NULL, b = 1, c1 = NULL, c2 = NULL, z = NULL, R = NULL, graph =TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(param1) #Example with 2 iterations (ideally >100): it1 <- iterate.graph(iter = 2, mapsize =10000, dist_m = 10, areaM = 0.05, areaSD = 0.02, Npatch = 250, disp = 800, span = 100, par1 = "hab", par2 = 2, par3 = NULL, par4 = NULL, par5 = NULL, method = "percentage", parm = 50, nsew = "none", succ="none", param_df = param1,kern = "op1", conn = "op1", colnz = "op1", ext = "op1", beta1 = NULL, b = 1, c1 = NULL, c2 = NULL, z = NULL, R = NULL, graph =TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Class representing a landscape graph, as produced by rland.graph
, convert.graph
and import.shape
mapsize - Side of the landscape in meters.
minimum.distance - Minimum distance between patches centroids, in meters.
mean.area - Mean patch area in hectares.
SD.area - Standard deviation of patches area.
number.patches - Total number of patches.
dispersal - Species mean dispersal ability, in meters.
nodes.characteristics - Data frame with patch (node) information (coordinates, area, radius, cluster, distance to nearest neighbor and ID).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
This dataset is a list of 100 landscapes with a loss of 5% of each patch's area at each time step. The first landscape is the sample empty landscape.
List of 100 data frames, that represent the evolution of the landscape during 100 time steps.
This function allows the computation of some statistics of the sequence of landscapes obtained from simulate.graph. Namely: mean area of the patches, standard deviation of the area, mean pairwise Euclidean distance, total number of patches, species occupation and turnover and mean distance to nearest habitat patch. It allows the graphical representation of the evolution of these statistics.
list.stats(sim_list, stat, plotG)
list.stats(sim_list, stat, plotG)
sim_list |
list from function |
stat |
'mean_area', 'sd_area', 'mean_distance', 'n_patches', 'occupation', 'turnover' and 'mean_nneigh'. |
plotG |
TRUE/FALSE, plot output. |
Returns a vector with the evolution of the specified statistics throughout the list of landscapes representing the changes in a dynamic landscape and its occupation. A graphical output is also possible.It is possible to visualize the evolution of mean patch area, standard deviation of the patch area, mean distance between all pairs of patches, number of patches, species percentage of occupation, patch turnover (change in occupational state) and mean distance to nearest habitat patch.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) data(landscape_change) data(param1) #First, using simulate graph, simulate the occupation on a dynamic landscape #(output of span.graph): sim1 <- simulate_graph( rl=rland, rlist=landscape_change, simulate.start=TRUE, method="percentage", parm=50, nsew="none", succ = "none", param_df=param1, kern="op1", conn="op1", colnz="op1", ext="op1", beta1=NULL, b=1, c1=NULL, c2=NULL, z=NULL, R=NULL) #Then evaluate species occupancy through the changes suffered by the landscape: occ <- list.stats(sim_list=sim1, stat="occupation", plotG=TRUE) #Checking the percentage of occupation in the 40 first landscapes: head(occ,40) #Output: #[1] 50.000000 65.000000 90.000000 96.666667 93.333333 91.666667 #[7] 91.666667 90.000000 93.333333 90.000000 85.000000 83.333333 #[13] 85.000000 88.333333 83.333333 86.666667 81.666667 68.333333 #[19] 70.000000 75.000000 80.000000 73.333333 63.333333 56.666667 #[25] 55.000000 51.666667 46.666667 41.666667 38.333333 21.666667 #[31] 13.333333 13.333333 10.000000 6.666667 5.000000 3.389831 #[37] 1.694915 1.694915 0.000000 0.000000
data(rland) data(landscape_change) data(param1) #First, using simulate graph, simulate the occupation on a dynamic landscape #(output of span.graph): sim1 <- simulate_graph( rl=rland, rlist=landscape_change, simulate.start=TRUE, method="percentage", parm=50, nsew="none", succ = "none", param_df=param1, kern="op1", conn="op1", colnz="op1", ext="op1", beta1=NULL, b=1, c1=NULL, c2=NULL, z=NULL, R=NULL) #Then evaluate species occupancy through the changes suffered by the landscape: occ <- list.stats(sim_list=sim1, stat="occupation", plotG=TRUE) #Checking the percentage of occupation in the 40 first landscapes: head(occ,40) #Output: #[1] 50.000000 65.000000 90.000000 96.666667 93.333333 91.666667 #[7] 91.666667 90.000000 93.333333 90.000000 85.000000 83.333333 #[13] 85.000000 88.333333 83.333333 86.666667 81.666667 68.333333 #[19] 70.000000 75.000000 80.000000 73.333333 63.333333 56.666667 #[25] 55.000000 51.666667 46.666667 41.666667 38.333333 21.666667 #[31] 13.333333 13.333333 10.000000 6.666667 5.000000 3.389831 #[37] 1.694915 1.694915 0.000000 0.000000
This function produces dispersal scenarios, considering different habitat networks properties, evaluating the variation in dispersal speed and dispersal maximum distance (of range expansion).
manage_expansion_sim(mapsize, dist_m, areaM, areaSD, Npatch,percI, param, b=1, tsteps, iter, variable,var_min,var_max,by)
manage_expansion_sim(mapsize, dist_m, areaM, areaSD, Npatch,percI, param, b=1, tsteps, iter, variable,var_min,var_max,by)
mapsize |
Landscape mosaic side length, in meters. To be internally passed to |
dist_m |
Minimum distance between patches (centroid).To be internally passed to |
areaM |
Mean area (in hectares). To be internally passed to |
areaSD |
SD of the area of patches, in order to give variability to the patches area. To be internally passed to |
Npatch |
Number of patches. To be internally passed to |
percI |
Percentage of patch occupancy in the starting landscape. To be internally passed to |
param |
Parameter data frame delivered by
b |
Parameter scaling emigration with patch area (if conn='op1' or 'op2') in |
tsteps |
Number of time steps to simulate (e.g. years). |
iter |
Number of iterations of the simulation procedure. |
variable |
Landscape graph characteristic to be varied. One of the following:
var_min |
Minimum value the changing variable can assume (beware of units used in each case). |
var_max |
Maximum value the changing variable can assume (beware of units used in each case). |
by |
Rate of variation of the changing variable. |
For details regarding the arguments that are to be internally passed to other functions, see the respective functions. Any of the arguments dist_m, areaM, areaSD, Npatch would be unnecessary if the respective variable is the one to be evaluated (it depends on the parameter variable).
Returns a list of eight data frames. For the first four data frames (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST) each data frame's first column is the name of the variable to be changed. The other two columns are:
Expansion speed in each simulated scenario. Speed given in km/time step |
Maximum distance of the expanded range, from an occupied site. Given in km. |
The other four data frames have detailed information on the simulations for each of the values of parameter "variable". The first column has the distance (in km), and each of the following columns has the time step at which each distance was colonized for each of the simulations.
This function might be time consuming, and the code is experimental and should be improved in future versions of MetaLandSim.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
, range_expansion
, expansion
## Not run: data(param1) sim_range <- manage_expansion_sim(mapsize=1000, dist_m=0, areaM, areaSD=0.001, patch=300,percI=50, param=param1, b=1, tsteps=100, iter=100,variable="area",var_min=0.01, var_max=0.6,by=0.1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(param1) sim_range <- manage_expansion_sim(mapsize=1000, dist_m=0, areaM, areaSD=0.001, patch=300,percI=50, param=param1, b=1, tsteps=100, iter=100,variable="area",var_min=0.01, var_max=0.6,by=0.1) ## End(Not run)
Runs a series of simulations, using iterate.graph
, allows changing the simulations parameters in several sequential simulations.
manage_landscape_sim(par_df, parameters_spom, full.output)
manage_landscape_sim(par_df, parameters_spom, full.output)
par_df |
Arguments data frame to be used by iterate.graph (each row of this data frame is a set of Arguments). The data frame has to have the following columns in this order (the name of the column is not relevant):
parameters_spom |
Parameters data frame, as given by |
full.output |
Creates a folder named 'output' to which it saves the full results of the simulations made with the parameters in each row of 'par_df'. It will generate as many objects as the number of rows in this data frame. |
For details regarding the arguments see the respective functions.
Returns a data frame with the parameters used for the simulations and the results (mean occupation, mean number of patches, mean turnover, mean distance and mean area).
Depending on computing capacity, this function can take from several hours to several days to run.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
, span.graph
, species.graph
, spom
#Setup the parameters for each simulation: PAR1_SPAN2 <- rep("ncsd",820)#parameter 1 for the span function PAR2_SPAN2 <- rep(seq(from=0,to=80,by=2), each=20)#parameter 2 for the span function PAR3_SPAN2 <- rep(seq(from=0,to=80,by=2),20)#parameter 3 for the span function PAR4_SPAN2 <- rep(2,820)#parameter 4 for the span function PAR5_SPAN2 <- rep(2,820)#parameter 5 for the span function NSEW_SPECIES2 <- rep("none",820)#where to start populating the landscape PARM_SPECIES2 <- rep(5,820)#parameter for the species function METHOD_SPECIES2 <- rep("percentage",820)#method for populating the landscape MAPSIZE2 <- rep(10000,820)#dimension of the landscape SPAN2 <- rep(100,820)#number of time steps of each simulation ITER2 <- rep(5,820)#number of iterations of each simulation NPATCH2 <- rep(800,820)#number of patches AREA_M2 <- rep(0.45,820)#mean area AREA_SD2 <- rep(0.2,820)#area sd MDST2 <- rep(0,820)#minimum distance between KERN <- rep("op1",820)#kernel CONN <- rep("op1",820)#connectivity function COLNZ <- rep("op1",820)#colonization function EXT <- rep("op1",820)#extinction function BETA1 <- rep("NULL",820) B <- rep(1,820) C1 <- rep("NULL",820) C2 <- rep("NULL",820) Z <- rep("NULL",820) R2 <- rep("NULL",820) DISPERSAL2 <- rep(800,820)#mean dispersal ability of the species SUCC <- rep("early",820) #Build parameter data frame (keep the order of the parameters): simulation <- data.frame(MDST2,NPATCH2,AREA_M2,AREA_SD2, MAPSIZE2,SPAN2,ITER2,PAR1_SPAN2,PAR2_SPAN2,PAR3_SPAN2,PAR4_SPAN2,PAR5_SPAN2, NSEW_SPECIES2,PARM_SPECIES2,METHOD_SPECIES2,KERN,CONN,COLNZ,EXT,BETA1,B,C1,C2,Z,R2,DISPERSAL2,SUCC) #Delete vectors used for data frame creation: rm('PAR1_SPAN2','PAR2_SPAN2','PAR3_SPAN2','PAR4_SPAN2','PAR5_SPAN2', 'NSEW_SPECIES2','PARM_SPECIES2','METHOD_SPECIES2','MAPSIZE2','SPAN2','ITER2', 'NPATCH2','AREA_M2','AREA_SD2','MDST2','KERN','CONN','COLNZ','EXT', 'BETA1','B','C1','C2','Z','R2','DISPERSAL2','SUCC') ## Not run: data(param1) ms2 <- manage_landscape_sim(par_df=simulation,parameters_spom=param1) ## End(Not run)
#Setup the parameters for each simulation: PAR1_SPAN2 <- rep("ncsd",820)#parameter 1 for the span function PAR2_SPAN2 <- rep(seq(from=0,to=80,by=2), each=20)#parameter 2 for the span function PAR3_SPAN2 <- rep(seq(from=0,to=80,by=2),20)#parameter 3 for the span function PAR4_SPAN2 <- rep(2,820)#parameter 4 for the span function PAR5_SPAN2 <- rep(2,820)#parameter 5 for the span function NSEW_SPECIES2 <- rep("none",820)#where to start populating the landscape PARM_SPECIES2 <- rep(5,820)#parameter for the species function METHOD_SPECIES2 <- rep("percentage",820)#method for populating the landscape MAPSIZE2 <- rep(10000,820)#dimension of the landscape SPAN2 <- rep(100,820)#number of time steps of each simulation ITER2 <- rep(5,820)#number of iterations of each simulation NPATCH2 <- rep(800,820)#number of patches AREA_M2 <- rep(0.45,820)#mean area AREA_SD2 <- rep(0.2,820)#area sd MDST2 <- rep(0,820)#minimum distance between KERN <- rep("op1",820)#kernel CONN <- rep("op1",820)#connectivity function COLNZ <- rep("op1",820)#colonization function EXT <- rep("op1",820)#extinction function BETA1 <- rep("NULL",820) B <- rep(1,820) C1 <- rep("NULL",820) C2 <- rep("NULL",820) Z <- rep("NULL",820) R2 <- rep("NULL",820) DISPERSAL2 <- rep(800,820)#mean dispersal ability of the species SUCC <- rep("early",820) #Build parameter data frame (keep the order of the parameters): simulation <- data.frame(MDST2,NPATCH2,AREA_M2,AREA_SD2, MAPSIZE2,SPAN2,ITER2,PAR1_SPAN2,PAR2_SPAN2,PAR3_SPAN2,PAR4_SPAN2,PAR5_SPAN2, NSEW_SPECIES2,PARM_SPECIES2,METHOD_SPECIES2,KERN,CONN,COLNZ,EXT,BETA1,B,C1,C2,Z,R2,DISPERSAL2,SUCC) #Delete vectors used for data frame creation: rm('PAR1_SPAN2','PAR2_SPAN2','PAR3_SPAN2','PAR4_SPAN2','PAR5_SPAN2', 'NSEW_SPECIES2','PARM_SPECIES2','METHOD_SPECIES2','MAPSIZE2','SPAN2','ITER2', 'NPATCH2','AREA_M2','AREA_SD2','MDST2','KERN','CONN','COLNZ','EXT', 'BETA1','B','C1','C2','Z','R2','DISPERSAL2','SUCC') ## Not run: data(param1) ms2 <- manage_landscape_sim(par_df=simulation,parameters_spom=param1) ## End(Not run)
Based on a landscape graph, this function allows the creation of a matrix of Euclidean distances (straight-line pairwise distance between the margins of all the patches), matrix of topological distances (minimum number of connections between any two patches) and adjacency matrix (this a matrix of 0 and 1, showing the adjacency between any two patches, where 0 means that the patches are not connected and 1 means that the patches are connected).
matrix.graph(rl, mat)
matrix.graph(rl, mat)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
mat |
mat - one of the following:
This function returns a matrix (each one of the specified matrices: Euclidean distance, topological distance and adjacency matrix).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) #Computing matrix of topological distances: matrix.graph(rl=rland, mat="top_matrix")
data(rland) #Computing matrix of topological distances: matrix.graph(rl=rland, mat="top_matrix")
One season patch occupancy dataset for Microtus cabrerae in SW Portugal (modified). This dataset is in a format directly used by convert.graph and converted to an object class 'metapopulation'.
A data frame with 685 observations on the following 5 variables.
Patch Id.
X coordinate.
Y coordinate.
Patch area, in hectares.
Occupancy state (0/1).
To create this sample dataset the occupancy status of patches was scrambled, however the proportion of occupied patches was kept.
Original field data was obtained during project PERSIST (PTDC/BIA-BEC/105110/2008).
##To be converted in a object of class "metapopulation": #mc1 <- convert.graph(dframe=mc_df,mapsize=8200,dispersal=800) data(mc_df) #Check the columns: head(mc_df) # ID x y area mc #1 1 1248.254 0.000 0.079 0 #2 2 1420.857 46.725 0.781 1 #3 3 1278.912 52.629 1.053 1 #4 4 6370.625 62.637 0.788 0 #5 5 1151.337 97.140 0.079 0 #6 6 1295.796 104.839 0.137 1
##To be converted in a object of class "metapopulation": #mc1 <- convert.graph(dframe=mc_df,mapsize=8200,dispersal=800) data(mc_df) #Check the columns: head(mc_df) # ID x y area mc #1 1 1248.254 0.000 0.079 0 #2 2 1420.857 46.725 0.781 1 #3 3 1278.912 52.629 1.053 1 #4 4 6370.625 62.637 0.788 0 #5 5 1151.337 97.140 0.079 0 #6 6 1295.796 104.839 0.137 1
Internal functions for the MetaLandSim package
These are not to be called by the user.
Coded by Tal Galili. URL: http://www.r-statistics.com/2012/01/merging-two-data-frame-objects-while-preserving-the-rows-order/
Class representing a landscape graph with species' patch occupancy data, as produced by species.graph
, convert.graph
and import.shape
mapsize - Landscape mosaic side length, in meters.
minimum.distance - Minimum distance between patches centroids, in meters.
mean.area - Mean patch area in hectares.
SD.area - Standard deviation of patches area.
number.patches - Total number of patches.
dispersal - Species mean dispersal ability, in meters.
distance.to.neighbours - Data frame with pairwise distance between patches, in meters.
nodes.characteristics - Data frame with patch (node) information (coordinates, area, radius, cluster, distance to nearest neighbor, ID and species).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Computes several landscape metrics, mostly derived from graph theory or assuming a graph representation of the landscape.
metrics.graph(rl, metric, dispersal.dist = NULL)
metrics.graph(rl, metric, dispersal.dist = NULL)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
metric |
one of the following connectivity metrics:
dispersal.dist |
Maximum dispersal distance for the binary indexes (NC, LNK, SLC, MSC, HI, NH, ORD, GD, CCP, LCP, ECS, IIC) and mean dispersal distance for the probabilistic indexes (AWF, PC, ECA). When no value is provided the function will assume the dispersal value provided by the 'landscape' object. |
These metrics assume different types of links between nodes (patches). Some assume probabilistic connections between nodes (e.g. PC) while others assume binary connections (e.g. NC, SLC, LNK, IIC). Also, these metrics have several degrees of complexity, from the simpler ones (such as NC and LNK) to the more complex (such as IIC and PC). Some are purely structural; the same landscape has the same index whatever the species, while others are measures of functional, where the connectivity of a given landscape is dependent on the species (dispersal ability). Precaution must be taken when looking at the outputs produced by some of these metrics (particularly the simpler, structural ones). Regardless of being simpler to compute, the outputs might be misleading. This metrics can however be used as exploratory tools.
This function was improved by the collaboration of Dr. Santiago Saura (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid).
Detail about each of the metrics:
'NC' - Number of components,groups of connected patches, in the landscape graph (Urban and Keitt, 2001). Patches in the same component are accessible, while patches in different components are not connected. More connected landscapes have less components. Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'LNK' - Number of links connecting the patches (considering that the maximum distance is the species dispersal distance and that these graphs are are binary, which means that nodes are either connected or unconnected) (Pascual-Hortal and Saura, 2006). Higher LNK implies higher connectivity. Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'SLC' - Area (in hectares) of the largest group of patches, or component (Pascual-Hortal and Saura, 2006). Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'MSC'- Mean area (in hectares) of a group of patches, or component (Pascual-Hortal and Saura, 2006). Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'HI' - Harary Index. Originally developed to characterize molecular graphs by Plavsic et al. (1993) it was later transposed to the landscape context by Ricotta et al. (2000). This index was considered by Ricotta et al. (2000) to be more effective from a statistical and ecological perspective. Higher HI implies higher connectivity. Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'NH' - Normalization of the Harary Index, facilitates analysis because this normalization will set the values between 0 and 1 and allow direct comparison of different habitat networks(Ricotta et al. 2000). Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'ORD' - Order. Index originated in the graph theory and later translated into the landscape context by Urban and Keitt (2001) provides a simple structural evaluation of the graph: it is the number of patches of the component (group of patches) with more patches. Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'GD' - Graph diameter. Another index directly derived from graph theory, providing a simple quantification of the graph structure. The graph diameter is the maximum of all the shortest paths between the patches of an habitat network. It is computed in meters (euclidean distance), instead of number of links (such as HI, NH and IIC)(Bunn et al. 2000, Urban and Keith, 2001). Shorter diameter implies faster movement in the habitat network (Minor and Urban, 2008). Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'CCP' - Class coincidence probability. It is defined as the probability that two randomly chosen points within the habitat belong to the same component. Ranges between 0 and 1 (Pascual-Hortal and Saura 2006). Higher CCP implies higher connectivity. Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'LCP' - Landscape coincidence probability. It is defined as the probability that two randomly chosen points in the landscape (whether in an habitat patch or not) belong to the same habitat component. Ranges between 0 and 1 (Pascual-Hortal and Saura 2006). Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'CPL' - Characteristic path length. Mean of all the shortest paths between the network nodes (patches) (Minor and Urban, 2008). The shorter the CPL value the more connected the patches are. Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'ECS' - Expected cluster size. Mean cluster size of the clusters weighed by area. (O' Brien et al.,2006 and Fall et al, 2007). This represents the size of the component in which a randomly located point in an habitat patch would reside. Although it is informative regarding the area of the component, it does not provide any ecologically meaningful information regarding the total area of habitat, as an example: ECS increases with less isolated small components or patches, although the total habitat decreases(Laita et al. 2011). Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'AWF' - Area-weighted Flux. Evaluates the flow, weighted by area, between all pairs of patches (Bunn et al. 2000 and Urban and Keitt 2001). The probability of dispersal between two patches (pij), required by the AWF formula, was computed using pij=exp(-k*dij), where k is a constant making pij=0.5 at half the dispersal distance defined by the user. Does not depend on any distance threshold (probabilistic).
'IIC' - Integral index of connectivity. Index developed specifically for landscapes by Pascual-Hortal and Saura (2006). It is based on habitat availability and on a binary connection model (as opposed to a probabilistic). It ranges from 0 to 1 (higher values indicating more connectivity). Threshold dependent (dispersal distance).
'PC' - Probability of connectivity. Probability that two points randomly placed in the landscape are in habitat patches that are connected, given the number of habitat patches and the connection probabilities (pij). Similar to IIC, although assuming probabilistic connections between patches (Saura and Pascual-Hortal 2007). Probability of inter-patch dispersal is computed in the same way as for AWF. Does not depend on any distance threshold (probabilistic).
'ECA' - The Equivalent Connected Area is the square root of the numerator in PC, not accounting for the total landscape area (AL) (Saura 2011a, 2011b). It is defined as '...the size of a single habitat patch (maximally connected) that would provide the same value of the probability of connectivity than the actual habitat pattern in the landscape' (Saura 2011a).
Returns the numeric value(s), corresponding to the chosen connectivity metric(s) for a given landscape.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Bunn, A. G., Urban, D. L., and Keitt, T. H. (2000). Landscape connectivity: a conservation application of graph theory. Journal of Environmental Management, 59(4): 265-278.
Fall, A., Fortin, M. J., Manseau, M., and O' Brien, D. (2007). Spatial graphs: principles and applications for habitat connectivity. Ecosystems, 10(3): 448-461.
Ivanciuc, O., Balaban, T. S., and Balaban, A. T. (1993). Design of topological indices. Part 4. Reciprocal distance matrix, related local vertex invariants and topological indices. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 12(1): 309-318.
Laita, A., Kotiaho, J.S., Monkkonen, M. (2011). Graph-theoretic connectivity measures: what do they tell us about connectivity? Landscape Ecology, 26: 951-967.
Minor, E. S., and Urban, D. L. (2007). Graph theory as a proxy for spatially explicit population models in conservation planning. Ecological Applications, 17(6): 1771-1782.
Minor, E. S., and Urban, D. L. (2008). A Graph-Theory Framework for Evaluating Landscape Connectivity and Conservation Planning. Conservation Biology, 22(2): 297-307.
O'Brien, D., Manseau, M., Fall, A., and Fortin, M. J. (2006). Testing the importance of spatial configuration of winter habitat for woodland caribou: an application of graph theory. Biological Conservation, 130(1): 70-83.
Pascual-Hortal, L., and Saura, S. (2006). Comparison and development of new graph-based landscape connectivity indices: towards the priorization of habitat patches and corridors for conservation. Landscape Ecology, 21(7): 959-967.
Plavsic, D., Nikolic, S., Trinajstic, N., and Mihalic, Z. (1993). On the Harary index for the characterization of chemical graphs. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 12(1): 235-250.
Ricotta, C., Stanisci, A., Avena, G. C., and Blasi, C. (2000). Quantifying the network connectivity of landscape mosaics: a graph-theoretical approach. Community Ecology, 1(1): 89-94.
Saura, S., and Pascual-Hortal, L. (2007). A new habitat availability index to integrate connectivity in landscape conservation planning: comparison with existing indices and application to a case study. Landscape and Urban Planning, 83(2): 91-103.
Saura, S., Estreguil, C., Mouton, C. & Rodriguez-Freire, M. (2011a). Network analysis to assess landscape connectivity trends: application to European forests (1990-2000). Ecological Indicators 11: 407-416.
Saura, S., Gonzalez-Avila, S. & Elena-Rossello, R. (2011b). Evaluacion de los cambios en la conectividad de los bosques: el indice del area conexa equivalente y su aplicacion a los bosques de Castilla y Leon. Montes, Revista de Ambito Forestal 106: 15-21
Urban, D., and Keitt, T. (2001). Landscape connectivity: a graph-theoretic perspective. Ecology, 82(5): 1205-1218.
data(rland) #Compute the Integral index of connectivity of a landscape: metrics.graph (rl=rland, metric="AWF")
data(rland) #Compute the Integral index of connectivity of a landscape: metrics.graph (rl=rland, metric="AWF")
Function to compute topological distance between patches. Topological distance is defined as the minimum number of links between any two patches.
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
Returns a matrix with the topological distance between the nodes.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas.
data(rland) min_distance(rl=rland)
data(rland) min_distance(rl=rland)
Sample random landscape graph, with species occupancy data (occupancy rate - 50%). Simulated data.
A list with the following elements:
mapsize - landscape mosaic side length, in meters.
minimum.distance - minimum distance between patches centroids.
mean.area - mean area, in hectares.
SD.area - standard deviation of the area.
number.patches - number of patches.
dispersal - mean dispersal ability of the species.
distance.to.neighbours - data frame with pairwise distance between patches.
nodes.characteristics - data frame with the characteristics of each patch.
Sample species occupancy in a network during 10 time steps. Simulated data.
A list with the following elements:
mapsize - landscape mosaic side length, in meters.
minimum.distance - minimum distance between patches centroids.
mean.area - mean area, in hectares.
SD.area - standard deviation of the area.
number.patches - number of patches.
dispersal - mean dispersal ability of the species.
distance.to.neighbours - data frame with pairwise distance between patches.
nodes.characteristics - data frame with the characteristics of each patch, (species 1 to 10 - occupancy snapshots).
Sample data frame, as produced by parameter.estimate
. These parameters are to be passed to spom
. These are made up parameters, not related to any species.
A data frame with 4 rows displaying the four parameters (alpha, x, y, e) to be passed to spom
alpha - Parameter relating extinction with distance.
y - Parameter y in the colonization probability.
e - Parameter defining the extinction probability in a patch of unit area.
x - Parameter scaling extinction risk with patch area.
The four parameters are to be passed to spom
data(param1) param1 # par_output #alpha 0.00100000 #x 0.50000000 #y 2.00000000 #e 0.04662827
data(param1) param1 # par_output #alpha 0.00100000 #x 0.50000000 #y 2.00000000 #e 0.04662827
Sample data frame, as produced by parameter.estimate
. These parameters are to be passed to spom
These are based upon those computed for Cabrerae's vole in the paper Mestre et al. (2017) (see references).
A data frame with 4 rows displaying the four parameters (alpha, x, y, e) to be passed to spom
alpha - Parameter relating extinction with distance.
y - Parameter y in the colonization probability.
e - Parameter defining the extinction probability in a patch of unit area.
x - Parameter scaling extinction risk with patch area.
The four parameters are to be passed to spom
Mestre, F., Risk, B., Mira, A., Beja, P., Pita, R. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.06.013>
data(param2) param2 # par_output #alpha 0.00047 #x 0.44000 #y 18.15000 #e 0.00480
data(param2) param2 # par_output #alpha 0.00047 #x 0.44000 #y 18.15000 #e 0.00480
Estimates the parameters of the Stochastic Patch Occupancy Model with the following approaches: regression of snapshot data (Hanski, 1994); Monte Carlo simulation (Moilanen, 1999) and Bayesian MCMC on the full dataset (ter Braak and Etienne, 2003).
parameter.estimate(sp, method, alpha = NULL, nsnap)
parameter.estimate(sp, method, alpha = NULL, nsnap)
sp |
Object of class 'metapopulation' with real patch occupancy data of the focal species. |
method |
Method to be used in parameter estimation. Available methods:
alpha |
Bolean (TRUE/FALSE). Estimate the alpha parameter. |
nsnap |
Number of snapshots considered. |
Parameter alpha describes the effect of distance to dispersal (inverse of the average dispersal distance). Parameter x describes de dependence of the extinction risk on patch size, and consequently on population dimension. Parameter y scales colonization with connectivity. Parameter e is the intrinsic extinction rate of local populations, which is the extinction rate not considering immigration.
In the current version the methods 'MCsim', 'rescue' and 'norescue' only create the files to be used in the applications already available. Future versions should allow the direct estimation of parameters without the need for the applications of Moilanen (1999) and Ter Braak and Etienne (2003).
Regarding the method 'MCsim' the settings file produced (.set) by default has the method Nlr (non-linear regression) chosen. The user should read the file readme.txt, available with the application, where a three step estimation process is described. The objective is to produce the priors for the Monte Carlo simulation to run.
It is highly recommended that the user reads both papers that provide the applications to compute the methods 'MCsim', 'rescue' and 'norescue'. Several editions to the settings and parameters files of both applications might be needed in order to customize the estimation process. This function only generates the input files with the basic needed structure.
Parameter estimation is not the main purpose of this package. As such, the user can estimate the parameters using other available software tools and then apply the estimated parameters in the simulations. The function create.parameter.df
can be used to create the data frame of the basic spom parameters. Other required parameters can be directly given as arguments to the iterate.graph
, spom
or range_expansion
The application of the Moilanen paper considers the kernel 'op1', connectivity 'op1', colonization 'op1' and extinction 'op1'. This SPOM (Stochastic Patch Occupancy Model) is known as Incidence Function Model (Hanski,1994 and 1999). In the original version of the mode b=1.However this might be an useful parameter as it scales emigration with patch area. This parameter can be estimated with field data. Moilanen (1998) obtained the value for this parameter by regressing the patch area with known population size.
With the methods 'Rsnap_1' and 'Rsnap_x' eturns a data frame with 4 rows displaying the four parameters (alpha, x, y, e) to be passed to spom
alpha - Parameter relating extinction with distance.
y - Parameter y in the colonization probability.
e - Parameter defining the extinction probability in a patch of unit area.
x - Parameter scaling extinction risk with patch area.
Regarding the methods 'MCsim', 'rescue' and 'norescue' it returns the files to be used as input in the applications. The files will be saved in the working directory. After running the applications, a data frame can be created in R using the function create.parameter.df
. This will return a data frame with the same structure as the first two methods.
A vignette is available with detailed information about the computation of the parameters using each method. The method 'MCsim' creates the files (data and settings files) to be used with the application available with the paper by Moilanen (1999). The methods 'rescue' and 'norescue' create the files (data, parameters and distance files)to be used with the application available with the paper by ter Braak and Etienne (2003).
The application by Moilanen is available in http://www.esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E080/003/.
The application by ter Braak and Etienne is available in http://www.esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E084/005/suppl-1.htm.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Hanski, I. (1994). A practical model of metapopulation dynamics. Journal of Animal Ecology, 63: 151-162.
Hanski, I. (1999). Metapopulation Ecology. Oxford University Press. 313 pp.
Hanski, I., Alho, J. and Moilanen, A. (2000) Estimating the parameters of survival and migration of individuals in metapopulations. Ecology, 81, 239-251.
Moilanen, A. (1998). Long-term dynamics in a metapopulation of the American Pika. The American Naturalist, 152(4), 530-542.
Moilanen, A. (1999). Patch occupancy models of metapopulation dynamics: efficient parameter estimation using implicit statistical inference. Ecology, 80(3): 1031-1043.
Oksanen, J. (2004). Incidence Function Model in R. url.:. http://cc.oulu.fi/~jarioksa/opetus/openmeta/metafit.pdf.
ter Braak, C. J., & Etienne, R. S. (2003). Improved Bayesian analysis of metapopulation data with an application to a tree frog metapopulation. Ecology, 84(1): 231-241.
, iterate.graph
, range_expansion
and spom
data(occ.landscape) #Using the Regression of snapshot data: param1 <- parameter.estimate (sp=occ.landscape, method="Rsnap_1")
data(occ.landscape) #Using the Regression of snapshot data: param1 <- parameter.estimate (sp=occ.landscape, method="Rsnap_1")
Plots the expansion simulations resulting from range_expansion
expansion_object |
Output of the function range_expansion. |
Graphical display of the range_expansion simulation results.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rg_exp) plot_expansion(exp = rg_exp)
data(rg_exp) plot_expansion(exp = rg_exp)
Plots the landscape graph, with or without the species occupation (respectively lists returned by species.graph
or rland.graph
) and with or without the links between patches.
plot_graph(rl, species, links)
plot_graph(rl, species, links)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape' (species=FALSE) or 'metapopulation' (species=TRUE). |
species |
TRUE/FALSE, TRUE if 'x' is of class 'metapopulation' or 'FALSE' if x is of class 'landscape'. |
links |
TRUE/FALSE, show links between connected patches. |
Graphical display of the landscape.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) data(occ.landscape) #Without the species occupancy: plot_graph(rl=rland, species=FALSE, links=FALSE) #With the species occupancy: plot_graph(rl=occ.landscape, species=TRUE, links=FALSE)
data(rland) data(occ.landscape) #Without the species occupancy: plot_graph(rl=rland, species=FALSE, links=FALSE) #With the species occupancy: plot_graph(rl=occ.landscape, species=TRUE, links=FALSE)
Plots a given landscape of a landscape sequence from span.graph
plotL.graph(rl, rlist, nr, species, links, ...)
plotL.graph(rl, rlist, nr, species, links, ...)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
rlist |
List returned by |
nr |
index of the landscape to display graphically. |
species |
TRUE/FALSE, TRUE if 'rl' is of class 'metapopulation' or 'FALSE' if rl is of class 'landscape'. |
links |
TRUE/FALSE, show links between connected patches. |
... |
Other arguments. |
Graphical display of the landscape.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
, span.graph
, rland.graph
data(rland) data(landscape_change) plotL.graph(rl=rland, rlist=landscape_change, nr=50, species=FALSE, links=FALSE)
data(rland) data(landscape_change) plotL.graph(rl=rland, rlist=landscape_change, nr=50, species=FALSE, links=FALSE)
This function returns the expansion probability, from a landscape with a given set of parameters. This can subsequently be converted in a dispersal model by the function range_raster
range_expansion(rl, percI, param, b, tsteps, iter, plot)
range_expansion(rl, percI, param, b, tsteps, iter, plot)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. Starting landscape for the expansion procedure. |
percI |
Pecentage of patch occupancy in the starting landscape. |
param |
Parameter data frame delivered by
b |
Parameter scaling emigration with patch area (if conn='op1' or 'op2') in |
tsteps |
Number of time steps to simulate (e.g. years). |
iter |
Number of iterations of the simulation procedure. |
plot |
Plot results. |
The expansion algorithm has been improved, since the paper Mestre et al. (2017) describing the package was published. Now, instead of the transition between adjacent landscape units being dictated by the occupation of a spurious node (representing the margin through which the expansion takes place) a somewhat more realistic approach is followed. If, during the metapopulational dynamics simulation, any patch located between the landscape unit (LU) margin and a parallel line placed at a distance equivalent to half of the mean dispersal ability of the species is occupied, than the algorithm assumes that the species will have the ability to go across to the next LU. In this new empty LU initial occupation is defined as follows: a new line is placed, with a spacing equivalent to half the dispersal ability of the species. In the area defined by the margins of the LU and this line the species will occupy in the same proportion as in the preceding LU.
After version 2.0.0, the output, rather than considering distinct dispersal probabilities in all four cardinal directions (as in previous versions), considers the same probability of dispersal from a current presence in all directions. This does not change the results
in any meaningfull way given that these kinds of simulations require many iterations in which the distinctions between the dispersal to all four directions was diluted.
This function returns a data frame with the proportion of occupations at several distances from the closest occupied landscape mosaic. After version 2.0.0 the package uses the same dispersal probability in all directions relative to current presences. the data frame has the following columns:
DISTANCE - Distance (mapsize x number of landscapes).
OCCUPATION - How many times did the landscape at this distance got occupied by the species (from a total of 'iter' repetitions).
PROPORTION - Proportion of occupation for the landscape at this distance (OCCUPATION/iter).
TIME STEP - The average time steps at which a given distance is occupied.
Depending on computing power and number of iterations (parameter 'iter') this function can take some time to run.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Mestre, F., Risk, B., Mira, A., Beja, P., Pita, R. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.06.013>
## Not run: #Produce a model of range expansion: #Note: this function should be run with >100 iterations (parameter "iter"). data(rland) data(param2) rg_exp1 <- range_expansion(rl=rland, percI=80, param=param2, b=1, tsteps=100, iter=100) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #Produce a model of range expansion: #Note: this function should be run with >100 iterations (parameter "iter"). data(rland) data(param2) rg_exp1 <- range_expansion(rl=rland, percI=80, param=param2, b=1, tsteps=100, iter=100) ## End(Not run)
This function creates the raster map with the expansion simulation, estimating probability of occupancy, at a given time step, based on species dispersal and landscape configuration. range_raster
uses the output from range_expansion
and a raster map with the species current occupancy.
range_raster(presences.map, re.out, mask.map=NULL, plot=TRUE)
range_raster(presences.map, re.out, mask.map=NULL, plot=TRUE)
presences.map |
string of the raster file name with species occurrence. |
re.out |
object of class list |
mask.map |
default NULL. String of the raster file name with the mask. Usually, 1 over the area where the analyses should be done. |
plot |
default |
The function automatically reads the raster input files (presences.map
and mask.map
, if present). Usually, 0 for absence and 1 for presence in every square cell over a given resolution. Note that the projection for the raster layer should be one of those supporting metric units (i.e., linear scale is equal in all directions around any point such as Transverse Mercator; see https://spatialreference.org/).
Then, it computes and fits a sigmoidal function for the expansion probability.
The user might have to manually adjust the starting values of the function fit.sigmoid
, (defined internally in this function) if it has difficulty adjusting to the output of range_expansion
Produces the spatial realization of the dispersal model, which is saved in the working directory (named 'PROB').
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Mestre, F., Risk, B., Mira, A., Beja, P., Pita, R. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.06.013>
## Not run: #Loading required packages library(MetaLandSim) #Loading the range expansion simulation output and required rasters data(rg_exp) presences <- system.file("examples/presences.asc", package="MetaLandSim") mask <- system.file("examples/landmask.asc", package="MetaLandSim") range.map <- range_raster(presences.map=presences, re.out=rg_exp, mask.map=mask, plot = FALSE) #Ploting the results with the terra package plot(range.map) #Ploting the results with the rasterVis package require(rasterVis) levelplot(range.map, contour=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #Loading required packages library(MetaLandSim) #Loading the range expansion simulation output and required rasters data(rg_exp) presences <- system.file("examples/presences.asc", package="MetaLandSim") mask <- system.file("examples/landmask.asc", package="MetaLandSim") range.map <- range_raster(presences.map=presences, re.out=rg_exp, mask.map=mask, plot = FALSE) #Ploting the results with the terra package plot(range.map) #Ploting the results with the rasterVis package require(rasterVis) levelplot(range.map, contour=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
This function converts an object of class 'metapopulation' (with the species occupancy) in a object of class 'landscape' (without the species occupancy).
sp |
Object of class 'metapopulation'. |
Delivers an object of class 'landscape'.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(occ.landscape) rl1 <- remove.species(sp=occ.landscape)
data(occ.landscape) rl1 <- remove.species(sp=occ.landscape)
Randomly removes a given number of patches from the landscape.
removepoints(rl, nr)
removepoints(rl, nr)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
nr |
Number of patches to remove. |
Returns an object of class 'landscape'.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
data(rland) #Checking the number of patches in the starting landscape: rland$number.patches #60 #Removing 10 patches from the landscape: rl1 <- removepoints(rl=rland, nr=10) #Checking the number of patches in the output landscape: rl1$number.patches #50
data(rland) #Checking the number of patches in the starting landscape: rland$number.patches #60 #Removing 10 patches from the landscape: rl1 <- removepoints(rl=rland, nr=10) #Checking the number of patches in the output landscape: rl1$number.patches #50
Output of range_expansion
. Object of class 'expansion'.
Data frame with the probability of occupations at several distances from the closest occupied landscape mosaic. The data frame has the following columns:
DISTANCE - Distance (mapsize x number of landscapes).
OCCUPATION - How many times did the landscape at this distance got occupied by the species (from a total of 'iter' repetitions).
PROPORTION - Proportion of occupation for the landscape at this distance (OCCUPATION/iter).
TIME STEP - The average time step during which a given distance is reached.
Sample random landscape graph, object of class 'landscape'. It has 60 patches and the landscape mosaic has 1000 meters of side.
A list with the following elements:
mapsize - landscape mosaic side length, in meters.
minimum.distance - minimum distance between patches centroids).
mean.area - mean area, in hectares.
SD.area - standard deviation of the area.
number.patches - number of patches.
dispersal - mean dispersal ability of the species.
nodes.characteristics - data frame with the characteristics of each patch.
One of the key functions of the package, which allows the creation of random landscapes (represented as graphs) with two categories: habitat patch and non-habitat matrix. The landscapes can be different depending on the parameters chosen.
rland.graph(mapsize, dist_m, areaM, areaSD, Npatch, disp, plotG)
rland.graph(mapsize, dist_m, areaM, areaSD, Npatch, disp, plotG)
mapsize |
Landscape mosaic side length, in meters. |
dist_m |
Minimum distance between patches (centroid). |
areaM |
Mean area (in hectares). |
areaSD |
SD of the area of patches, in order to give variability to the patches area. |
Npatch |
Number of patches (might be impaired by the dist_m, see the "Note" section). |
disp |
Species mean dispersal ability, in meters. |
plotG |
TRUE/FALSE, to show graphic output. |
The dispersal distance, as given by the parameter 'disp', is used for the computation of some of the connectivity metrics (function metrics.graph
) and for the graphic representation of the landscapes (in both cases defining the groups of patches, or components). For the simulation of the metapopulational dynamics, the dispersal distance is given through the 'alpha' parameter (the inverse of the mean dispersal ability) in the parameter data frame created by create.parameter.df
. This has an important consequence: no thresholding (considering the dispersal ability) is assumed when simulating the metapopulational dynamics.
Returns a list, with the following elements:
mapsizeSide of the landscape in meters.
minimum.distanceMinimum distance between patches centroids, in meters.
mean.areaMean patch area in hectares.
SD.areaStandard deviation of patches area.
number.patchesTotal number of patches.
dispersalSpecies mean dispersal ability, in meters.
nodes.characteristicsData frame with patch (node) information (coordinates, area, radius, cluster, distance to nearest neighbour and ID). An additional field, colour, has only graphical purposes.
If the mean distance between patches centroid and the number of patches are both too high then the number of patches is lower than the defined by the user.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
#Example to create a random landscape graph with 60 patches with a mean area #of 0.05 hectares. #The landscape mosaic is a square with 1000 meters side. #The species mean dispersal ability is 120 meters (in order to connect the patches). #A plot with the landscape graph is displayed graphically. rl1 <- rland.graph(mapsize=1000, dist_m=80, areaM=0.05, areaSD=0.02, Npatch=60, disp=120, plotG=TRUE)
#Example to create a random landscape graph with 60 patches with a mean area #of 0.05 hectares. #The landscape mosaic is a square with 1000 meters side. #The species mean dispersal ability is 120 meters (in order to connect the patches). #A plot with the landscape graph is displayed graphically. rl1 <- rland.graph(mapsize=1000, dist_m=80, areaM=0.05, areaSD=0.02, Npatch=60, disp=120, plotG=TRUE)
By loading simulatedifm this object is loaded.
Vector of the areas for each site; here, 100 sites.
This dataset was created using the code included in Examples, in simulatedifm
By loading simulatedifm this object is loaded.
100 x 10 x 3 array corresponding to nsites x nyears x nvisits. Data simulated with year-specific detection probabilities equal to 0.4,0.6,0.2,0.9,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.2,0.9,0.3.
This dataset was created using the code included in Examples, in simulatedifm
By loading simulatedifm this object is loaded.
nsite x nsite distance matrix.
This dataset was created using the code included in Examples, in simulatedifm
Simulates the species' occupation on a landscape sequence, resorting to the spom
simulate_graph(rl, rlist, simulate.start, method, parm, nsew="none", succ="none", param_df, kern, conn, colnz, ext, beta1, b, c1, c2, z, R)
simulate_graph(rl, rlist, simulate.start, method, parm, nsew="none", succ="none", param_df, kern, conn, colnz, ext, beta1, b, c1, c2, z, R)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape' or 'metapopulation'. |
rlist |
List delivered by |
simulate.start |
TRUE (rl is of class 'landscape') or FALSE (rl is of class 'metapopulation') |
method |
One of the following:
click - individually select the patches with occurrence of the species by clicking on the map. Use only for individual landscape simulations. However, this option should not be used with iterate.graph.
percentage - percentage of the patches to by occupied by the species.
number - number of patches to be occupied by the species.
To be internally passed to |
parm |
Parameter to specify the species occurrence - either percentage of occupied patches or number of occupied patches, depending on the method chosen. To be internally passed to |
nsew |
'N', 'S', 'E', 'W' or none - point of entry of the species in the landscape. By default set to "none". To be internally passed to |
succ |
Set the preference of the species for patch successional stage: 'none', 'early', 'mid' and 'late'. |
param_df |
Parameter data frame delivered by
To be internally passed to |
kern |
'op1' or 'op2'. Dispersal kernel. See details in the |
conn |
'op1' or 'op2'. Connectivity function. See details in the |
colnz |
'op1', 'op2' or 'op3'. Colonization function. See details in the |
ext |
'op1', 'op2' or 'op3'. Extinction function. See details in the |
beta1 |
Parameter afecting long distance dispersal probability (if the Kern='op2'). To be internally passed to |
b |
Parameter scaling emigration with patch area (if conn='op1' or 'op2'). To be internally passed to |
c1 |
Parameter scaling immigration with the focal patch area (if conn='op2'). To be internally passed to |
c2 |
Parameter c in the option 3 of the colonization probability (if colnz='op3'). To be internally passed to |
z |
Parameter giving the strength of the Allee effect (if colnz='op3'). To be internally passed to |
R |
Parameter giving the strength of the Rescue effect (if ext='op3'). To be internally passed to |
Returns a list of occupied landscapes, representing the same occupied landscape at different time steps.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
, span.graph
, rland.graph
, iterate.graph
data(rland) data(landscape_change) data(param1) sim1 <- simulate_graph(rl=rland, rlist=landscape_change, simulate.start=TRUE, method="percentage", parm=50, nsew="none", succ = "none", param_df=param1, kern="op1", conn="op1", colnz="op1", ext="op1", beta1=NULL, b=1, c1=NULL, c2=NULL, z=NULL, R=NULL )
data(rland) data(landscape_change) data(param1) sim1 <- simulate_graph(rl=rland, rlist=landscape_change, simulate.start=TRUE, method="percentage", parm=50, nsew="none", succ = "none", param_df=param1, kern="op1", conn="op1", colnz="op1", ext="op1", beta1=NULL, b=1, c1=NULL, c2=NULL, z=NULL, R=NULL )
This dataset loads several objects:
'sim.area', 'sim.det.20', 'sim.distance', 'z.sim', 'z.sim.20' and 'z.sim.20.fa'.
Vector of the areas for each site; here, 100 sites.
100 x 10 x 3 array corresponding to nsites x nyears x nvisits. Data simulated with year-specific detection probabilities equal to 0.4,0.6,0.2,0.9,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.2,0.9,0.3.
nsite x nsite distance matrix.
nyear x nsite occupancy data generated with perfect detection.
nyear x nsite occupancy data generated with perfect detection with approximately 20% of data missing at random.
nyear x nsite occupancy data containing false absences, which can be used to explore the bias of ifm.missing.MCMC and ifm.naive.MCMC when there is imperfect detection.
These datasets were created using the code included in Examples.
## Not run: ############################################## # Areas for 100 hundred sites were created from a log normal distribution with mean # and variance equal to the mean and variance of the area of the sites in the # Sierra Foothills black rail population. # Universal Transverse Mercator locations (UTMs) for each site were # simulated from the mean and variance of the UTM Northing and Easting # # Dynamics were simulated for 1000 years. The parameters were chosen such that the metapopulation # persisted with reasonable turnover. The last 10 years of these data were retained. # For the detection data sets, we simulated a removal design based on three visits. #------------------- # IFM SIMULATE #------------------ set.seed(123) #------- #AREAS #------- mean.log.area=-0.75 sd.log.area=1.33 nsite=100 log.sim.area=rnorm(nsite,mean.log.area,sd.log.area) sim.area = exp(log.sim.area) #--------- #DISTANCE #-------- sim.site.x=rnorm(nsite,643930,9000) sim.site.y=rnorm(nsite,4340500,10500) sim.site.x.mat.col=matrix(rep(sim.site.x,nsite),ncol=nsite,byrow=TRUE) sim.site.x.mat.row=matrix(rep(sim.site.x,nsite),ncol=nsite) sim.site.delta.x=(sim.site.x.mat.col-sim.site.x.mat.row)^2 sim.site.y.mat.col=matrix(rep(sim.site.y,nsite),ncol=nsite,byrow=TRUE) sim.site.y.mat.row=matrix(rep(sim.site.y,nsite),ncol=nsite) sim.site.delta.y=(sim.site.y.mat.col-sim.site.y.mat.row)^2 # scale distance so that alpha = 2 is reasonable: sim.distance=((sim.site.delta.x+sim.site.delta.y)^0.5)/100000 diag(sim.distance)=99 #-------------# # CREATE SPOM # #-------------# spom=function(nsite,nyear.sim,alpha,b,y,e,x) { psi=matrix(rep(NA,nsite*nyear.sim),ncol=nyear.sim) psi1=rbinom(nsite,1,0.8) psi[,1]=psi1 s.i.temp=exp(-alpha*sim.distance) s.i.temp[s.i.temp==1]=0 e.i=e/sim.area^x e.i[e.i>1]=1 for (i in 2:nyear.sim) { s.i=s.i.temp c.i=s.i^2/(s.i^2+y^2) e.i.re=e.i*(1-c.i) mu1=psi[,i-1]*(1-e.i.re)+(1-psi[,i-1])*c.i psi.temp=rbinom(nsite,1,mu1) psi[,i]=psi.temp } psi } #--------------- # SIMULATE IFM #--------------- nyear.sim=1000 psi.sim=spom(nsite,nyear.sim,alpha=20,b=0.5,y=7.5,e=0.25,x=0.25) nyear=10 # Data from this dataset conforms to the assumptions of IFM Naive: z.sim=psi.sim[,(nyear.sim+1-nyear):nyear.sim] apply(z.sim,2,mean) #CREATE DETECTION HISTORY p=rep(c(0.4,0.6,0.2,0.9,0.3),2) nrep=3 temp=rep(1,nrep*nsite*nyear) p.mat=matrix(rep(p,nsite),nrow=nsite,byrow=TRUE) temp.z.sim=z.sim*p.mat sim.det=rbinom(temp,1,temp.z.sim) dim(sim.det)=c(nsite,nyear,nrep) #ENFORCE REMOVAL DESIGN for (i in 1:nsite) { for(t in 1:nyear) { if (sim.det[i,t,1]==1) sim.det[i,t,2]=2 if (sim.det[i,t,1]==1) sim.det[i,t,3]=2 if (sim.det[i,t,2]==1) sim.det[i,t,3]=2 } } sim.det[sim.det==2]=NA sim.det.no.missing.values=sim.det #RANDOMLY CREATE MISSING DATA; 20 # Data are missing when a site was never visited in a given year unif.mat=runif(nyear*nsite) z.sim.20=z.sim z.sim.20[unif.mat<0.2]=NA sim.det.20=sim.det sim.det.20[rep(is.na(z.sim.20),nrep)]=NA #CREATE DATASET WITH MISSING VALUES AND FALSE ABSENCES #THIS IS TO CHECK HOW IFM.NAIVE AND IFM.MISSING # LEAD TO BIASES z.sim.20.fa = apply(sim.det.20,c(1,2),sum,na.rm=TRUE) z.sim.20.fa[unif.mat<0.20]=NA # z.sim: Perfect detection, one visit per year. # z.sim.20: Perfect detection, but 20 # z.sim.20.fa: 20 # then collapsed to a single observation per year equal to one if a detection occurred. # sim.det.20: 20 # The data are arranged in a 3-d array sites x years x visits save(z.sim,z.sim.20,z.sim.20.fa,sim.det. 20,sim.distance,sim.area,file=paste("SIMULATE_DATA_MDL_CMP",nsite,"_",nyear, "_",nrep,".RData",sep="")) ## End(Not run) data(simulatedifm) ls()
## Not run: ############################################## # Areas for 100 hundred sites were created from a log normal distribution with mean # and variance equal to the mean and variance of the area of the sites in the # Sierra Foothills black rail population. # Universal Transverse Mercator locations (UTMs) for each site were # simulated from the mean and variance of the UTM Northing and Easting # # Dynamics were simulated for 1000 years. The parameters were chosen such that the metapopulation # persisted with reasonable turnover. The last 10 years of these data were retained. # For the detection data sets, we simulated a removal design based on three visits. #------------------- # IFM SIMULATE #------------------ set.seed(123) #------- #AREAS #------- mean.log.area=-0.75 sd.log.area=1.33 nsite=100 log.sim.area=rnorm(nsite,mean.log.area,sd.log.area) sim.area = exp(log.sim.area) #--------- #DISTANCE #-------- sim.site.x=rnorm(nsite,643930,9000) sim.site.y=rnorm(nsite,4340500,10500) sim.site.x.mat.col=matrix(rep(sim.site.x,nsite),ncol=nsite,byrow=TRUE) sim.site.x.mat.row=matrix(rep(sim.site.x,nsite),ncol=nsite) sim.site.delta.x=(sim.site.x.mat.col-sim.site.x.mat.row)^2 sim.site.y.mat.col=matrix(rep(sim.site.y,nsite),ncol=nsite,byrow=TRUE) sim.site.y.mat.row=matrix(rep(sim.site.y,nsite),ncol=nsite) sim.site.delta.y=(sim.site.y.mat.col-sim.site.y.mat.row)^2 # scale distance so that alpha = 2 is reasonable: sim.distance=((sim.site.delta.x+sim.site.delta.y)^0.5)/100000 diag(sim.distance)=99 #-------------# # CREATE SPOM # #-------------# spom=function(nsite,nyear.sim,alpha,b,y,e,x) { psi=matrix(rep(NA,nsite*nyear.sim),ncol=nyear.sim) psi1=rbinom(nsite,1,0.8) psi[,1]=psi1 s.i.temp=exp(-alpha*sim.distance) s.i.temp[s.i.temp==1]=0 e.i=e/sim.area^x e.i[e.i>1]=1 for (i in 2:nyear.sim) { s.i=s.i.temp c.i=s.i^2/(s.i^2+y^2) e.i.re=e.i*(1-c.i) mu1=psi[,i-1]*(1-e.i.re)+(1-psi[,i-1])*c.i psi.temp=rbinom(nsite,1,mu1) psi[,i]=psi.temp } psi } #--------------- # SIMULATE IFM #--------------- nyear.sim=1000 psi.sim=spom(nsite,nyear.sim,alpha=20,b=0.5,y=7.5,e=0.25,x=0.25) nyear=10 # Data from this dataset conforms to the assumptions of IFM Naive: z.sim=psi.sim[,(nyear.sim+1-nyear):nyear.sim] apply(z.sim,2,mean) #CREATE DETECTION HISTORY p=rep(c(0.4,0.6,0.2,0.9,0.3),2) nrep=3 temp=rep(1,nrep*nsite*nyear) p.mat=matrix(rep(p,nsite),nrow=nsite,byrow=TRUE) temp.z.sim=z.sim*p.mat sim.det=rbinom(temp,1,temp.z.sim) dim(sim.det)=c(nsite,nyear,nrep) #ENFORCE REMOVAL DESIGN for (i in 1:nsite) { for(t in 1:nyear) { if (sim.det[i,t,1]==1) sim.det[i,t,2]=2 if (sim.det[i,t,1]==1) sim.det[i,t,3]=2 if (sim.det[i,t,2]==1) sim.det[i,t,3]=2 } } sim.det[sim.det==2]=NA sim.det.no.missing.values=sim.det #RANDOMLY CREATE MISSING DATA; 20 # Data are missing when a site was never visited in a given year unif.mat=runif(nyear*nsite) z.sim.20=z.sim z.sim.20[unif.mat<0.2]=NA sim.det.20=sim.det sim.det.20[rep(is.na(z.sim.20),nrep)]=NA #CREATE DATASET WITH MISSING VALUES AND FALSE ABSENCES #THIS IS TO CHECK HOW IFM.NAIVE AND IFM.MISSING # LEAD TO BIASES z.sim.20.fa = apply(sim.det.20,c(1,2),sum,na.rm=TRUE) z.sim.20.fa[unif.mat<0.20]=NA # z.sim: Perfect detection, one visit per year. # z.sim.20: Perfect detection, but 20 # z.sim.20.fa: 20 # then collapsed to a single observation per year equal to one if a detection occurred. # sim.det.20: 20 # The data are arranged in a 3-d array sites x years x visits save(z.sim,z.sim.20,z.sim.20.fa,sim.det. 20,sim.distance,sim.area,file=paste("SIMULATE_DATA_MDL_CMP",nsite,"_",nyear, "_",nrep,".RData",sep="")) ## End(Not run) data(simulatedifm) ls()
This function gets an initial landscape graph and gradually applies changes. For a good review and classification of such changes see Bogaert et al. (2004) (not all described changes have been applied here). Future versions of the package should include other methods to change the landscape.
span.graph(rl, span = 100, par1 = 'none', par2 = NULL, par3 = NULL, par4 = NULL, par5 = NULL)
span.graph(rl, span = 100, par1 = 'none', par2 = NULL, par3 = NULL, par4 = NULL, par5 = NULL)
rl |
Object of class 'landscape'. |
span |
Number of time steps (e.g. years) to simulate. |
par1 |
Parameter determining the dynamism type. One of the following (default 'none'):
The percentage of patches to be generated or destroyed at each time step is not fixed (except for 'stoc2' in which case the percentage of created and destroyed patches is the same and directly computed from the number of patches in the preceeding time step, allowing to have landscape dynamism without change in the number of patches). For example if the landscape at the time step t-1 has 200 patches and the user wishes to set up a destruction rate of 5%, than the number of destroyed patches is given by a random number obtained from a Poisson distribution with mean 10 (5% of 200). |
par2 |
Parameter specifying details for the options in par1: percentage of patches do delete (if par1='hab'); distance, in meters (if par1='dincr'); percentage of increase/decrease (increase with negative sign) of the mean area of patches (if par1='darea'); percentage of created/destroyed patches (if par1='stoc'); percentage of created patches (if par1='stoc2'); 'northerndness' of created patches (if par1='ncsd'); percentage of destroyed patches (if par1='aggr'). |
par3 |
Additional parameter specifying details for the options in par1: percentage of destroyed patches (if par1='stoc2'); 'southerndness' of destroyed patches (if par1='ncsd'); aggregation of destruction (if par1='aggr'). Minimum area for patch deletion, in hectares (if par1='darea'). |
par4 |
Percentage of created patches (if par1='ncsd'). |
par5 |
Percentage of destroyed patches (if par1='ncsd'). |
Returns a list of data frames with the nodes characteristics of a given number of landscapes that suffer a specified change. The fields of these data frames are the same as those from the nodes characteristics resulting from rland.graph
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Bogaert, J., Ceulemans, R., & Salvador-Van Eysenrode, D. (2004). Decision tree algorithm for detection of spatial processes in landscape transformation. Environmental Management, 33(1): 62-73.
, simulate_graph
, iterate.graph
data(rland) #Simulating a decrease of 5% in the number of patches through 100 time steps: span1 <- span.graph(rl=rland, span=100, par1="hab", par2=5, par3=NULL, par4=NULL, par5=NULL)
data(rland) #Simulating a decrease of 5% in the number of patches through 100 time steps: span1 <- span.graph(rl=rland, span=100, par1="hab", par2=5, par3=NULL, par4=NULL, par5=NULL)
Given a set of parameters, this function allows to simulate the occupation of an empty landscape, class "metapopulation".
species.graph(rl, method = 'percentage', parm, nsew = 'none', plotG = TRUE)
species.graph(rl, method = 'percentage', parm, nsew = 'none', plotG = TRUE)
rl |
Object of class "landscape". |
method |
One of the following (default 'percentage'): click - individually select the patches with occurrence of the species by clicking on the map. Use only for individual landscape simulations. percentage - percentage of the patches to be occupied by the species. number - number of patches to be occupied by the species. |
parm |
Parameter to specify the species occurrence - either percentage of occupied patches or number of occupied patches, depending on the method chosen. |
nsew |
'N', 'S', 'E', 'W' or none - point of entry of the species in the landscape. By default set to "none". |
plotG |
TRUE/FALSE, to show graphic output. |
Returns a list, with the following elements:
mapsize - Landscape mosaic side length, in meters.
minimum.distance - Minimum distance between patches centroids, in meters.
mean.area - Mean patch area in hectares.
SD.area - Standard deviation of patches area.
number.patches - Total number of patches.
dispersal - Species mean dispersal ability, in meters.
distance.to.neighbours - Data frame with pairwise distance between patches, in meters.
nodes.characteristics - Data frame with patch (node) information (coordinates, area, radius, cluster, distance to nearest neighbour, ID and species).
An additional field, colour, has only graphical purposes.
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
, simulate_graph
, remove.species
data(rland) ##Creating a 50% occupation in an empty landscape (using the "landscape" dataset): sp1 <- species.graph(rl=rland, method="percentage", parm=50, nsew="none", plotG=TRUE)
data(rland) ##Creating a 50% occupation in an empty landscape (using the "landscape" dataset): sp1 <- species.graph(rl=rland, method="percentage", parm=50, nsew="none", plotG=TRUE)
This function predicts the occupancy status of each patch in a landscape in the time step t+1, based on the occupancy information on time step t.
spom(sp, kern, conn, colnz, ext, param_df, beta1 = NULL, b = 1, c1 = NULL, c2 = NULL, z = NULL, R = NULL, succ="none", max_age=1)
spom(sp, kern, conn, colnz, ext, param_df, beta1 = NULL, b = 1, c1 = NULL, c2 = NULL, z = NULL, R = NULL, succ="none", max_age=1)
sp |
Landscape with species occupancy, object of class 'metapopulation'. |
kern |
'op1' or 'op2'. Dispersal kernel. See details. |
conn |
'op1' or 'op2'. Connectivity function. See details. |
colnz |
'op1', 'op2' or 'op3'. Colonization function. See details. |
ext |
'op1', 'op2' or 'op3'. Extinction function. See details. |
param_df |
Parameter data frame delivered by
beta1 |
Parameter affecting long distance dispersal probability (if the Kern='op2'). |
b |
Parameter scaling emigration with patch area (if conn='op1' or 'op2'). By default set to 1. |
c1 |
Parameter scaling immigration with the focal patch area (if conn='op2'). |
c2 |
Parameter c in the option 3 of the colonization probability (if colnz='op3'). |
z |
Parameter giving the strength of the Allee effect (if colnz='op3'). |
R |
Parameter giving the strength of the Rescue effect (if ext='op3'). |
succ |
Set the preference of the species for patch successional stage: 'none', 'early', 'mid' and 'late'. |
max_age |
Default value set to 1. This argument should not be changed by the user. It is used only when the function runs inside others. |
In order to visualize which parameter combination is valid for each option, please refer to the following table (alpha, x, y and e are delivered by parameter.estimate
, as a data frame):
parameter | kern_1 | kern_2 | conn_1 | conn_2 | colnz_1 | colnz_2 | colnz_3 | ext_1 | ext_2 | ext_3 |
alpha | x | x | ||||||||
x | x | x | x | |||||||
y | x | x | ||||||||
e | x | x | x | |||||||
beta1 | x | |||||||||
b | x | x | ||||||||
c1 | x | |||||||||
c2 | x | |||||||||
z | x | |||||||||
R | x | |||||||||
A Stochastic Patch Occupancy Model (SPOM) is a type of model which models the occupancy status of the species on habitat patches as a Markov chain (Moilanen, 2004). These models are a good compromise between capturing sufficient biological detail and being easy to parametrize with occupancy data. With SPOMs it is possible to predict the probability of extinction or colonization of every patch in a landscape, given the current occupancy state of all the patches (Etienne et al. 2004).
Dispersal Kernel
Option 1 (Hanski, 1994 and 1999)
Option 2 (Shaw, 1995)
where dij is the distance between patches i and j.
Option 1 - Negative exponential. Earlier studies (until the end of the 1990) frequently used this type of thin-tailed kernels (Nathan et al. 2012).
Option 2 - Fat-tailed kernel. The shape of the dispersal kernel is highly significant only when the metapopulation consists of several moderately small patch clusters, which are relatively far from each other. In this kind of a system, a patch cluster may go extinct, and long-distance dispersal will be important in determining the recolonization probability of the empty cluster (Shaw, 1995 and Moilanen, 2004). This type of fat-tailed kernels has become more frequent in recent works (Nathan et al. 2012). For
this is the Cauchy distribution.
Option 1 (Moilanen, 2004)
Option 2 (Moilanen and Nieminen, 2002)
where Ai and Aj are the areas of patches i(focal patch) and j(other patches), respectively; dij is the distance between patches i and j and pj is the occupation status (0/1) of patch j
Option 1 - In the version of Hanski (1994), de kernel is the negative exponential (option 1) and b is set to 1. In this more flexible version, the parameter b scales emigration with patch area (Moilanen, 2004).
Option 2 - In Moilanen & Nieminen (2002) the kernel is the negative exponential (option 1). This metric considers the value of the focal patch's area, which was found to provide better results by Moilanen & Nieminen (2002), being less sensitive to errors in the estimation of a. Parameters b and c scale, respectively emigration and immigration, as a function of patch area (focal patch in the case of c). See 'note'.
Colonization function
Option 1 (Hanski, 1994, 1999)
Option 2 (Moilanen, 2004)
Option 3 (Ovaskainen, 2002)
where Si is connectivity.
Option 1 - It's the first version of the colonization probability, it includes Allee effect (however the strength of this effect cannot be modified) Hanski (1994). Colonization probability is defined as a sigmoid function of the connectivity of patch i.
Option 2 - This option assumes that immigrating individuals originate colonization events independently, therefore, with no Allee effect. Adequate for species (plants) with passive dispersal (Moilanen, 2004).
Option 3 - Here, as in option 1, the colonization probability is defined as a sigmoid function of the connectivity of patch i, and the user can change the strength of the Allee effect, by changing the parameter z, with values >1 reflecting the presence of this effect (Ovaskainen, 2002). In the original version of the IFM (option 1) Hanski (1994) assumed a relatively strong Allee effect (z=2). Parameter c describes the species ability to colonize (Ovaskainen & Hanski, 2001 and Ovaskainen ,2002).
Extinction function
Option 1 (Hanski, 1994, 1999)
Option 2 (Hanski and Ovaskainen, 2000 and Ovaskainen and Hanski, 2002)
Option 3 (Ovaskainen, 2002)
where Ai is the area of the focal patch and Ci is the colonization probability of the focal patch.
Option 1 - Original version developed by Hanski (1994).
Option 2 - Used e.g. in the spatially realistic Levins model (Hanski & Ovaskainen, 2000 and Ovaskainen & Hanski, 2002). Parameter x scales extinction probability with patch area.
Option 3 - Same as option 1, but considering the Rescue effect (with the strength of this effect being given by R). If R=0 there is no Rescue effect, however, if R>0, the Rescue effect grows exponentially with the probability of not being colonized. In the original version of this function Hanski (1994) assumed R=1.
Here, parameter x defines de degree to which the extinction rate is sensitive to the patch area. If x>1, with the increase of Ai the extinction rate rapidly approximates zero. The populations in the larger patches becomes almost impossible to extinguish. However, if x is small the extinction rate decreases slower with increasing Ai.
Delivers a list similar to the class 'metapopulation' but with two additional columns in the data frame nodes.characteristics: 'species2'(which is the occupation in the next time step) and turn (turnover between occupancies).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
Etienne, R. S., ter Braak, C. J., and Vos, C. C. (2004). Application of stochastic patch occupancy models to real metapopulations. In Hanski, I. and Gaggiotti, O.E. (Eds.) Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulations. Elsevier Academic Press. 696 pp.
Hanski, I. (1994). A practical model of metapopulation dynamics. Journal of Animal Ecology, 63: 151-162.
Hanski, I. (1999). Metapopulation Ecology. Oxford University Press. 313 pp.
Hanski, I., Alho, J., and Moilanen, A. (2000). Estimating the parameters of survival and migration of individuals in metapopulations. Ecology, 81(1), 239-251.
Hanski, I., and Ovaskainen, O. (2000). The metapopulation capacity of a fragmented landscape. Nature, 404: 755-758.
Moilanen, A. (2004). SPOMSIM: software for stochastic patch occupancy models of metapopulation dynamics. Ecological Modelling, 179(4), 533-550.
Moilanen, A., and Nieminen, M. (2002). Simple connectivity measures in spatial ecology. Ecology, 83(4): 1131-1145.
Nathan, R., Klein, E., Robledo-Arnuncio, J.J. and Revilla, E. (2012). Dispersal kernels: review. in Clobert, J., Baguette, M., Benton, T. and Bullock, J.M. (Eds.) Dispersal Ecology and Evolution. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK. 462 pp.
Ovaskainen, O. (2002). The effective size of a metapopulation living in a heterogeneous patch network. The American Naturalist: 160(5), 612-628.
Ovaskainen, O. and Hanski, I. (2001). Spatially structured metapopulation models: global and local assessment of metapopulation capacity. Theoretical Population Biology, 60(4), 281-302.
Ovaskainen, O., and Hanski, I. (2002). Transient dynamics in metapopulation response to perturbation. Theoretical Population Biology, 61(3): 285-295.
Ovaskainen, O. and Hanski, I. (2004). Metapopulation dynamics in highly fragmented landscapes. In Hanski, I. & Gaggiotti, O.E. (Eds.) Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulations. Elsevier Academic Press. 696 pp.
Shaw, M.W., (1995). Simulation of population expansion and spatial pattern when individual dispersal distributions do not decline exponentially with distance. Proc. R. Soc. London B: 259, 243-248.
, simulate_graph
, iterate.graph
data(occ.landscape) data(param1) #Simulating the occupation in the next time step: landscape2 <- spom(sp=occ.landscape, kern="op1", conn="op1", colnz="op1", ext="op1", param_df=param1, beta1=NULL, b=1, c1=NULL, c2=NULL, z=NULL, R=NULL, succ="none" ) #The output has two new columns in the data frame nodes.characteristics: species2 #(occupation in the next time step) and turn (turnover - change of occupation status, #1 if changed and 0 if not).: head(landscape2) # x y areas radius cluster colour nneighbour #1 718.5011 228.47190 0.05741039 13.518245 1 #FF0000FF 91.80452 #2 494.3624 73.29165 0.08755563 16.694257 1 #FF0000FF 98.98432 #3 809.2326 245.90046 0.09384384 17.283351 1 #FF0000FF 166.68205 #4 638.8057 149.35122 0.08858989 16.792569 1 #FF0000FF 82.60306 #5 874.2010 19.78104 0.03621793 10.737097 1 #FF0000FF 92.26625 #6 605.3937 70.34944 0.03066018 9.878987 1 #FF0000FF 131.22261 # ID species species2 turn #1 1 1 1 0 #2 2 0 1 1 #3 3 1 1 0 #4 4 0 0 0 #5 5 0 1 1 #6 6 1 1 0
data(occ.landscape) data(param1) #Simulating the occupation in the next time step: landscape2 <- spom(sp=occ.landscape, kern="op1", conn="op1", colnz="op1", ext="op1", param_df=param1, beta1=NULL, b=1, c1=NULL, c2=NULL, z=NULL, R=NULL, succ="none" ) #The output has two new columns in the data frame nodes.characteristics: species2 #(occupation in the next time step) and turn (turnover - change of occupation status, #1 if changed and 0 if not).: head(landscape2) # x y areas radius cluster colour nneighbour #1 718.5011 228.47190 0.05741039 13.518245 1 #FF0000FF 91.80452 #2 494.3624 73.29165 0.08755563 16.694257 1 #FF0000FF 98.98432 #3 809.2326 245.90046 0.09384384 17.283351 1 #FF0000FF 166.68205 #4 638.8057 149.35122 0.08858989 16.792569 1 #FF0000FF 82.60306 #5 874.2010 19.78104 0.03621793 10.737097 1 #FF0000FF 92.26625 #6 605.3937 70.34944 0.03066018 9.878987 1 #FF0000FF 131.22261 # ID species species2 turn #1 1 1 1 0 #2 2 0 1 1 #3 3 1 1 0 #4 4 0 0 0 #5 5 0 1 1 #6 6 1 1 0
This function summarizes a landscape
class object.
object |
Object of class |
This function can be used to retrieve basic information on the objects of class 'landscape'.
Returns a data frame with the following information on a landscape
class object:
landscape area (hectares) |
Landscape mosaic area, in hectares |
number of patches |
Number of patches in the landscape |
mean patch area (hectares) |
Mean patch area, in hectares |
SD patch area |
SD of the patch area |
mean distance amongst patches (meters) |
Mean inter-patch distance, in meters |
minimum distance amongst patches (meters) |
Minimum inter-patch distance, in meters |
The minimum distance between patches is different from that given in the object of class 'landscape', in the slot 'minimum.distance'. This is because this output is computed from the landscape structure and the one in the 'landscape' object was the parameter used to built the landscape. The minimum inter-patch distance given as a parameter in the function rland.graph
will consider distance between patch centroids. The minimum inter-patch distance returned here considers the edge-to-edge distance, so this might be smaller that the parameter of rland.graph
. In order to see the difference between centroid-to-centroid and edge-to-edge inter-patch distance compute both using the matrix.graph
function (methods are 'centr_distance' and 'euc_distance', respectively).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
, landscape
, matrix.graph
data(rland) summary_landscape(object=rland) # Value #landscape area (hectares) 100.000 #number of patches 60.000 #mean patch area (hectares) 0.061 #SD patch area 0.041 #mean distance amongst patches (meters) 528.345 #minimum distance amongst patches (meters) 51.780
data(rland) summary_landscape(object=rland) # Value #landscape area (hectares) 100.000 #number of patches 60.000 #mean patch area (hectares) 0.061 #SD patch area 0.041 #mean distance amongst patches (meters) 528.345 #minimum distance amongst patches (meters) 51.780
This function summarizes a metapopulation
class object.
object |
Object of class |
This function can be used to retrieve basic information on the objects of class 'metapopulation'.
Returns a data frame with the following information on a metapopulation
class object:
landscape area (hectares) |
Landscape mosaic area, in hectares |
number of patches |
Number of patches in the landscape |
mean patch area (hectares) |
Mean patch area, in hectares |
SD patch area |
SD of the patch area |
mean distance amongst patches (meters) |
Mean inter-patch distance, in meters |
minimum distance amongst patches (meters) |
Minimum inter-patch distance, in meters |
species occurrence - snapshot |
Occupation data of the focal species, numbered from 1 to the number of snapshots |
The minimum distance between patches is different from that given in the object of class 'landscape', in the slot 'minimum.distance'. This is because this output is computed from the landscape structure and the one in the 'landscape' object was the parameter used to built the landscape. The minimum inter-patch distance given as a parameter in the function rland.graph
will consider distance between patch centroids. The minimum inter-patch distance returned here considers the edge-to-edge distance, so this might be smaller that the parameter of rland.graph
. In order to see the difference between centroid-to-centroid and edge-to-edge inter-patch distance compute both using the matrix.graph
function (methods are 'centr_distance' and 'euc_distance', respectively).
Frederico Mestre and Fernando Canovas
, metapopulation
, matrix.graph
data(occ.landscape) data(occ.landscape2) summary_metapopulation(object=occ.landscape) # Value #landscape area (hectares) 100.000 #number of patches 60.000 #mean patch area (hectares) 0.061 #SD patch area 0.041 #mean distance amongst patches (meters) 528.345 #minimum distance amongst patches (meters) 51.780 #species occurrence - snapshot 1 50.000 summary_metapopulation(object=occ.landscape2) # Value #landscape area (hectares) 100.000 #number of patches 60.000 #mean patch area (hectares) 0.069 #SD patch area 0.039 #mean distance amongst patches (meters) 521.717 #minimum distance amongst patches (meters) 45.905 #species occurrence - snapshot 1 50.000 #species occurrence - snapshot 2 58.333 #species occurrence - snapshot 3 61.667 #species occurrence - snapshot 4 61.667 #species occurrence - snapshot 5 58.333 #species occurrence - snapshot 6 60.000 #species occurrence - snapshot 7 70.000 #species occurrence - snapshot 8 68.333 #species occurrence - snapshot 9 68.333 #species occurrence - snapshot 10 56.667
data(occ.landscape) data(occ.landscape2) summary_metapopulation(object=occ.landscape) # Value #landscape area (hectares) 100.000 #number of patches 60.000 #mean patch area (hectares) 0.061 #SD patch area 0.041 #mean distance amongst patches (meters) 528.345 #minimum distance amongst patches (meters) 51.780 #species occurrence - snapshot 1 50.000 summary_metapopulation(object=occ.landscape2) # Value #landscape area (hectares) 100.000 #number of patches 60.000 #mean patch area (hectares) 0.069 #SD patch area 0.039 #mean distance amongst patches (meters) 521.717 #minimum distance amongst patches (meters) 45.905 #species occurrence - snapshot 1 50.000 #species occurrence - snapshot 2 58.333 #species occurrence - snapshot 3 61.667 #species occurrence - snapshot 4 61.667 #species occurrence - snapshot 5 58.333 #species occurrence - snapshot 6 60.000 #species occurrence - snapshot 7 70.000 #species occurrence - snapshot 8 68.333 #species occurrence - snapshot 9 68.333 #species occurrence - snapshot 10 56.667
By loading simulatedifm this object is loaded.
nyear x nsite occupancy data generated with perfect detection.
This dataset was created using the code included in Examples, in simulatedifm
By loading simulatedifm this object is loaded.
nyear x nsite occupancy data generated with perfect detection with approximately 20% of data missing at random.
This dataset was created using the code included in Examples, in simulatedifm
By loading simulatedifm this object is loaded.
nyear x nsite occupancy data containing false absences, which can be used to explore the bias of ifm.missing.MCMC and ifm.naive.MCMC when there is imperfect detection.
This dataset was created using the code included in Examples, in simulatedifm